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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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I would like to tell you all that even though Studio Massa has abandoned Ongezelling, we all do not want to let this story die! Together we can continue this amazing adventure through our own creativity. I propose that we write fan fiction, create comics, plays, and even short films together to expand this fantastic world!

I invite you to work together and create something unique! Our passion and the skills we all have can give new life to this universe and make the story continue. Let our creativity and love for these characters and the world they have created inspire us to create and share our ideas together! And let's all show Studio Massa that it made a mistake by deciding to abandon the project!!!

Best regards and thank you for your attention!


martin looter king ahh speech straight out of ohio bruh 💀💀💀






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impossible, we can only dream or something like that


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Two decadent degenerates above me


i feel as if wed recruit more people by doing cool shit as a community like we did with the pixelplanet than doing fanfics


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Numbers counting up and whatnot

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