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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1709074120732.png (2.3 MB, 2238x3001, Comicfull.png)

 No.11464[Last 50 Posts]

Artist of this comic here

So apparently this made it outside Massa's server, which I half expected, but I'm also kinda surprised. Even more surprising is that people outside the server like it, so that's cool. Just thought I'd post this to the site cuz i heard someone found it here but I cant find the thread. I'm glad people seem to be enjoying it though


Never seen this but damn its cute, thank you drawGOD


Issa zem


Thank you, idk how big it is yet (big relative to how big ongezellig fan content can be), but someone in the server brought to my attention its been getting shared around (on some soyzellig related server and apparently the site itself) and honestly im really grateful people like it. it was a good pick me up to learn this after a kinda eh day at work


Did you get the font from here >>8761? Because afaik Massa has never made that font of his public (unless he posted it on his server somewhere). In either case I've never seen this comic, but holy fuck this is adorable and you do a great job at getting close to his artstyle.




Not from there specifically, but a guy i know in the server sent it to me. as far as im aware i think massa's font might be hand drawn

Also thank you, again im really thankful people enjoy it so much and find it cute.

the idea was originally just some one off idea i had of like "this would be a fun one off gag if the show continued" but the idea kinda stuck with me so i made a comic out of it. Dont expect anything too soon but i do plan on doing more with this in the future


>Some soyzellig related server


Idk which server it is, I was only sent screenshots of people saying they liked it and i got the impression it was related to soyzellig or at least made by soyzellig users


File: 1709075538085.png (246.24 KB, 995x493, 1705771606723.png)

I really like it. it got a chuckle out of me. I dont think i've done that at something so simple in a long time
You're a good artist, Cam


you ==WILL== leak xer font


Oh ok, its probably the massadonie or something then.
Do you have plans to make more comics like this? We NEED more of this kind of OC


Im genuinely really glad dude, it really means a lot to me that ongezellig fans both in and outside of the server like it


nah im in massadonie, which is where i posted the comic initially. the mystery server is completely different

And yes i do plan on making more, just probably not too soon, but I do wanna do more with this


Maya is really cute in this, I love it, actually thought it was official until I saw the English text


honestly a lot of people say i get the style down well, though there are some things that arent quite 1:1. but i am glad since i wanted to get the feel of ongezellig right


Keep it up, man, even though it's short and simple, it's a GEM


thank you dude


File: 1709076780126.png (94.95 KB, 485x848, 1688514437599.png)





tyy bub


Stop talking about cord faggotry fuckfaces, kill yourselves



File: 1709083328923.gif (3.82 MB, 370x377, 6985 - SoyBooru.gif)

>cord faggotry evendoe it was about what font they were using
You first dipshit cordtranny


File: 1709083868936.png (733.98 KB, 3312x2917, 1692002167442.png)

I'll be waiting for more


itsa gem


draw them having the sex or something




thank you thank you


how many more of these gemeralds are locked away in massas server


I would have believed it were official too


File: 1709093160221.png (155 KB, 488x651, Mayadoodle2.png)

The comic is my second full art thing I've done of ongezellig, but i also did this

I do have plans to make more stuff involving Mats and Maya tho


File: 1709094309590.gif (482.92 KB, 1070x1172, 62383 - SoyBooru.gif)

Epketr00ns got nothing on MatsGODS, keep it up Zaryan


oh my science must hvg maya


thank you :)



File: 1709096199450.jpg (131.82 KB, 870x1024, 276 - champane mymy smile.jpg)


this is amazing dude, glad to see talented people within the zellig community


Thank you sm dude, again im really glad you guys like what Im making



Can you draw Maya doing a flip


draw her giving birth


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File: 1709115107215.webm (1.37 MB, 720x720, Zellig20.webm)

Wanted to make a voice over of it (shitty but yeah), Should i give you credit as "cam"?


Such a cute comic. Didnt know we had zaryans in massacord.


unfortunately probably not since im not that good with dynamic poses, but who knows maybe one day


Oh yeah thats perfectly fine


honestly tho even if it isnt the best AI dubbing im still thankful someone even likes my dumb comic enough to do this


the good ending for maya


zooty zoot add Mats to the become class representative on /v/


Hope you "enjoyed" the wonders of /co/ lmao


very much lol, quite wonderful


the /co/oons wish that the zellig posters on /qa/ never existed, so that (((they))) could of had zellig to themselves


they reapt what they sew when they brought it to the schizos


i was more refering to how the /co/ons are trannies, and how trannies turn everything (((they))) touch to dust


you're right but /co/ isnt tranny, just has some depraved bad apples
must i remind you where all zelligposting began?


i thought zellig posting begun on the qway


i guees "zelligposting" isnt the best choice of the word, since it was a different type that wasn't like todays, but it all did start on /co/ in 2018 before splintering into /qa/ in 2021 and evolving


>/co/ isnt tranny
I once saw a reply over a "cartoon moments that made you emotional" thread that said something along the lines of "estrogen makes you emotional when I watch kids shows".


cute gem


File: 1709264046646.png (1.31 MB, 1911x836, Matsyearbook3.png)

Just a small update on this stuff

for one, New Mats art

second, next comic will be coco talking to maya about her new classmate, dont expect it soon tho


File: 1709266946459.png (129.62 KB, 834x541, ClipboardImage.png)

can't wait to see coco in this style
i really like these arts, it's much like massa's but a bit sharper. reminds me of another artist that drew in 'ssa style but a bit more rounded instead


tyy tyy


David Pirozzi looking ahhh


Quick question, how did you get that paper overlay for him like with the rest of the characters?


Another artist I know in the Massadonie server sent me the texture overlay


oh shit, pls sent


File: 1709275052497.png (277.35 KB, 607x690, texture.png)

here u go, apparently he found the exact texture massa used on google


File: 1709276050274.png (2.72 MB, 1048x1584, ClipboardImage.png)

>Massa Texture Sources


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Another update:
Part 2 is in progress


gemerald in the making.


cam you are officially massa's successor




Massive Gemerald incoming




Tyy guys, Hoping it comes out well


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we will waiting for it


please start a patreon


aww thanks, though I dont really need the money for this or anything, but i appreciate it


i can help you if you need something


for a second I thought her legs were crossed rather than knock kneed, which seems like a cool unusual pose


Is Cam leading the Zaryan future????


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Long live the new king


Massa is dead! Long live the king!


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the zellig gem factory has been reopened


File: 1709762112002.jpg (238.61 KB, 1024x1024, AIGEMERALD.jpg)

holy motherflippin



File: 1709762988242.png (434.12 KB, 1906x2048, hehe.png)

i like where this is going


Thank you guys, I appreciate the praise though I dont wanna be considered a replacement for massa or nothin, but again I appreciate that you guys like what Im doing. At the end of the day its just a little fan comic


Im just glad some people are taking his style up in arms since it really is a nice and distinct artstyle compared to the beanmouth western slop here in 'merica, and it would be such a waste to see it discarded since its main artist is currently down and out.



fan comic or not, its still very accurate to Father Massa's style, and for that my hat goes off for you


cam my fucking hero



Your not, but your a talented artist in a content deprived community which means that you are.


thats fair, I do understand the community is very starved of official content especially with the semi recent announcements, but out of respect for massa and the team I dont want to be seen as like "the second coming of massa yknow? but again i am thankful for the kind words


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Well either way Mr. Cam we wish you luck and success


>but out of respect for massa and the team I dont want to be seen as like
massa doesn’t respect us, so why should we respect xer


thank you ^_^


spite is not a virtue thoughbeit


if you made a patreon it would def rake in more paper than (((massas))) (((petjeaf)))


meds now massa was making thousands


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all wars are just proxies for different groups of jews fighting over the right way to prepare matza


da joos convinced massa to only use petje.af and to kill the ‘lig





(((they))) convinced massa to only go after dutch animators instead of pitching it to bigger international studios


(((they))) know Mymy hates those disgusting subhuman judenrats, and thus the JIDF told (((Massa))) to shut it down.


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even though this was always the whole point


the comics will come out in friday.
i bet my liver that this is true



thoughbeit its still friday, and will continue to be friday for several hours


nope, my words are absolute


File: 1710538140409.gif (8.55 KB, 240x258, 194666BA-083B-4BCD-ABDF-2A….gif)

its been 9 days since Cam’s last communication, xe has abandoned us


The king.. is dead..


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>>13302 just workin on it, i still occassionally check this thread though i dont really use soyzellig regularly. comic is half way done its just the second half i had to rethink and replan cuz i didnt like now i initially planned it out

for now here's another preview


i wish, i still have like 6ish panels left to go. just been slowed down by work and replanning and stuff


not really sure if im 100% satisfied with how its going so far, but i do hope people enjoy it once its finished, still not the best with comic making since this project is my first attempt


The return of the KING


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File: 1710551243766.png (152.67 KB, 676x1021, 59BBD983-C1CB-45F4-B9BD-58….png)

omg king is back


community creates better lore than original creator. more news at eleven


File: 1710553307866.gif (299.7 KB, 240x240, dwartf.gif)



Yo Mr. Cam, if you just sat down and worked on one panel till you were done, how long would it take you?


that kinda varies based on how much i have to draw in a panel, my mood, my motivation, etc. plus im just generally slow as an artist usually


I was just wondering. I'm the farthest from a art person so the process is a mystery to me. Do you do commissions or is it just a hobby?


take your time xister




its just a preview


just a hobby, ive never really done commissions


partially true then, ive got about 12 panels done and maybe 6+ more to go


18+ panels! oh my fauci, this is going to be a long gem


ill be honest i also sometimes pull a maya and get completely sidetracked while working on this



You would be flooding in Zelligbucks if you took commissions honestly but I can understand if you don’t. Do you have a rough ETA on when you should be done the 2nd comic?


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not sure, but heres another preview cuz i like how this panel came out


we are so back


oh my nikola telsa this is so zemmy



1st annual Zemmy award winner


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Lookin good so far.
Some feedback: idk if that canvas texture works quite as well or if it's just a little too strong, but I suggest using a different overlay texture for the whole comic, maybe something more paper-y like in picrel. Something rather light but not too distracting but still noticeable upclose.
As well if you're up for accuracy, this color (#eacccc) is what Massa uses for shading on the characters via multiply; not exact all the time but around the ballpark after searching through a few pics of his. I bring this up since I notice you shade with gray which can be fine in some cases, but can look a little dull depending on others. The one Massa uses makes the shadows a little more nice and warm for the girls, but try it out and see which one you think looks better, this is only my suggestion of course and you're doing a good job with everything else so far.


File: 1710577458023.png (148.76 KB, 676x1021, Me.png)

I'll do everything I can just for someone to look and talk to me like that.


true, honestly i was very conflicted on the overlay effect, but its the only one i found that looked decent, ill try out that shading thing too, maybe after this comic since i dont wanna go back and redo the shading again (i already had to change it all to burn instead, which i like more) thank you for the suggestions and support


maybe its just me, but something about maya's conversation especially has a good mock traditional look that makes the overlay work better though i cant quite put my finger on what. something about the colors


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we are so back


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Gemerald, thank you Cam



gem :)


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i love this but i also hate coco
stupid normalfag stacy bitch


coco you dumb bitch stop wasting electricity and let me revel in darkness


File: 1710692115495.png (290.92 KB, 574x768, 19C83574-BC1D-4809-AF1B-1C….png)


Excellent work


Fresh gem right out of the oven


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for you cam-sama


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Cam you WILL make a Patreon and we WILL give you money!


Great work :)


Absolutely incredible. If I didn't know better I'd think it was old official Massa art.


only partially, full thing is gonna be about 21+ish panels i think, still have more to go


also thank you guys for the support, though i ask in the future not to send the other panels before its finished, ill post it here on my own once its finished, but again thank you






Also pt.3 when?


not sure, i have a few ideas i wanna get to next, but dont expect that too soon maybe



Okay thank you :)




nigga he said don't post it early


Alright, deleting the post.
Sometimes I'm not patient.


File: 1710795594161.jpg (228.75 KB, 894x919, 4919.jpg)



all good dw about it, but thanks for deleting


File: 1710821010877.jpg (14.11 KB, 222x227, images (13).jpg)

*rapes you brutally*


What did I miss



File: 1710851698641.jpg (196.43 KB, 1080x1212, Screenshot_20240209_164139….jpg)

>muh I don't understand the depth of her character and for this hate her


Cocoons do nothing but babble about zher being built for bbc and “deep character” or something.


File: 1710852417460.gif (1.29 MB, 320x180, VID_20240302_152155_329.gif)

kys blAAAAACK!tard


i guess someone posted some panels early



That’s what I’m assuming but I’m guessing they got them from the ‘cord?


yes given thats where i post panels before release


Do you know when you’ll post them here?


when its finished, most likely before the end of the month. again though ive been a bit bogged down cuz the direction i want to take this part in has been changing


but to give you a good idea of how many panels are left, its around 6


Do your work at any time. We believe in your success.


thank you


I'll be waiting… I'll be waiting. I will definitely be waiting.


take your time brother, have patience with all things but first of all with yourself or something like that


File: 1710918068970.png (1.15 MB, 3024x4032, myats.png)

Here's some fanart of Maya and mats to tribute this little comic! hope to see more in the future


amazing work man







so henckin bontiful


dude, i love this, you have no clue how much this means to me thank you so much dude


genuinely so sweet


i thought it was a girl at first which was gemmy but since it's a guy it's automatically self-insert niggercoal


File: 1710964096632.png (2.57 MB, 1920x1674, 20231108_182601.png)

>it's not lesbian secks so I cAN'T GOON TO THIS NOW


horrible bait award


File: 1710966175952.png (43.58 KB, 721x720, 64223.png)

>they can't just be friends, it has to be a romantic relationship because IT JUST HAS TO OKAY?!?!?!


Currently i do not plan on putting them together in any romantic context, i dont feel like it would be very authentic to the show, but im okay with fan art of it


at most as some "non canon" drawing, but in terms of the actual story i dont know if i really wanna do that


there is no depth to coco's character
she's just a stacey and a coalburner





Xhe actually has a depth, when she takes da bbc doe




don't, absolute loser with no redeeming qualities meeting his manic pixie dream girl is the most overused trope in tranime


tbf theyre both losers, if i were to do it, which i most likely wont, it wouldnt be a matter of "a loser gets the complete perfect girl etc. etc." but more like two losers finding each other or something whatever


BPD SSRI prescribed skank x Druggie addicted crakkker is the true and best OTP


ik this is soyzellig, but i hope this thread doesnt continue to devolve into more fighting, i dont want people to fight because of my art


tbf most of it is just joking and teasing, i understand you arent fully aware of the autistic subculture of the site (take pride to that), but very fair, arguments are annoying to witness sometimes.


One catalyst comment can turn a thread into a children's daycare, doesn't change the overwhelmingly positive opinion of everything so far thoughever


i do get that a lot of it is joking, i dont use this site much besides this thread, but i did use it a bit more when i first got into ongezellig, I just dont want people to be upset at each other over this yknow


true true, again thanks for all the support ive been given, i really do appreciate it. I really wanna do good for this fandom


on a somewhat separate note, despite ongezellig being most likely gone for good officially and me joining right at the end, over the past month ive been in this community ive gotten the idea that it truly is only the beginning, ive been seeing a lot of cool fan content that gives me hope and idk i love the artists in this fandom


were working hard on the reanimated collab and im making a fairly big game, ITS JUST GETTING STARTED


i used to say "it aint cocover til we say its cocover" as a half joke, but at this point i have nothing but hope for this fandom


no need to get upset too, you can do whatever you want with the history


File: 1711093535161.png (78.83 KB, 177x223, 1708120500129.png)

we're just breaking balls, dont worry


jokes on you ive already done that









about 4-6 panels left plus the dutch translation, the process has just been going slow for a few reasons, but again it should be out before the end of the month


dont listen to whatever this >>13955 nigger is saying, release it when it is good and ready.



Okay thank you :3


Take your time king. Can’t wait to see it


hoping it satisfied, i feel like the current panel im working on doesnt look so good, but yknow you gotta break a few eggs or something





Im sure your just underestimating yourself and it looks as good as everything else you've done


thanks man


3-4 panels left now plus the translation, shouldnt be too long now. after this i plan on doing some non comic related ongezellig drawings (mainly redraws of certain scenes, but with a dune/command and conquer twist) but the next comic will likely be shorter and about what mats is doing the same night


That's great news!




How many panels will this one have?


part 2 is 25-26 panels, just depends on if i do an extra end panel like last comic





hoping it doesnt disappoint, idk if what i have is very good, but i hope you all enjoy it


26? holy shieeeeeee



Can we get a little sneak peak pwetty pwease :3


nah cuz ill likely have it out by today theres not much left to do



Even better


working on the final panel now


Trvst the plan patriZts


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we need to wait…


delayed until year 10000


it better be sex


it better be non-sexually suggestive


File: 1711232911545.png (43.09 KB, 1500x1500, 2421 - SoyBooru.png)

still wait…


uuhhh n-no! why would it be that!


File: 1711233201377.png (73.58 KB, 703x492, ClipboardImage.png)

why not


File: 1711233208473.png (181.36 KB, 423x475, IMG_2550.PNG)

The gem is almost done!


i wonder what the massacord thinks about this gem of a series


massadonie is where i first posted it, everyone there seems to love it



Surely the Christmas Truce


I hope they don't find out that you're posting here too


comic done, just getting it translated and compiling it




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my glorious king cam-sama




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File: 1711244138096-3.png (2.73 MB, 3000x1000, comic2EN4.png)

Feast your face for part 2 is here
Dutch translation coming in a sec


Gem alert


continuation of story: maya tries to talk with the guy, but quickly gives up because she's too shy. then mymy talks to the guy instead, turns out he's a chill guy and they start hanging out. then they start dating and mymy absolutely cucks the shit out of maya. mymy rubs her victory all over maya's face. kisses with the guy in front of maya. maya cannot stand the jealousy and cuts her wrists



File: 1711244802076-0.png (2.65 MB, 3000x1000, Comic2EN5.png)

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the rest of the strips


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Absolutely a shining gem. See you next week.


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Dutch translation


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damn, i like how it goes, hope we can see more, thanks cam


I plan to do more, though for now im gonna do some regular drawings and stuff, but there will be a part 3/part 2.5


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here they are all together


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gem delivered


im excited to see how Maya will fuck this up



Pull a Massa and do some drawings for fans then never do Ongezellig related content again


We are so back


thanks fellas


It may sound strange, but is mymy going to appear in the future?


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most likely, currently not sure if i have any ideas for mymy, but im sure she'll appear.in the mean time have this birthday art i did


Gem that saved the white birthrates


we are grateful to you Cam, you are so far the most shining gem among the entire community


we need mymy to have lesbian sex with maya


go back to ao3 and /co/


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this is the reason why i havent lost any hope in soyzellig


This is a fun post. >I am testing this site


no you are not


Rape him and kill him.


File: 1711306136227.png (30.64 KB, 254x255, 1705712116262.png)

BBC rape! to be exact!


Unleash the nigger cattle


marge is this a bot or what


thank you guys, trying my best to do good things for the ongezellig fanbase


File: 1711324168144.png (9.14 KB, 484x561, 1707604773583.png)

God bless you, sir Cam!


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misc doodles


very cool, very swag, i'm like it


great to finally see your take on best girl.




Aw. She is so cute chvds.





The fact that massa did birthday art for coco and a whole comic for maya without doing anything for mymy’s birthday will always make me feel a little sad


hes a SLF that hates orange little shit


(((massa))) doesnt like how Mymy became the face of the show, so xe wants people to forget about her


start a patreon dude


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File: 1711462365135.png (770.38 KB, 1366x768, Dunegezellig.png)

Had the idea to do a Dune x Ongezellig redraw of that one scene



File: 1711462509586.png (766.34 KB, 1366x768, Dunegezellig.png)

oops that wasnt the right version




issa gem





Maya = Chani
Coco = Irulan
Vera = Jessica
Mymy = Kynes



is this episode 2 of the ‘lig


we can only hope


can we see Mats family now?


This fr fr ong


im considering giving him a sibling


Make them the anti-Coco


I find this pretty hard to believe, especially since Maya and Coco already existed in an earlier form. Mymy is Ongezellig's bold new design, she has mascot written all over her.


oh fuck I just noticed the worm this is excellent


Kynes is a man :plier:


Doesn’t have plier in their soyfolder award


i was more implying that (((ma*sa))) doesn’t like how the ‘lig has more or less been given the reputation of being loved by racists such as ourselves, and Mymy is a racist, so, it could be argued that (((ma*sa))) is trying to downplay her role in the show to somehow make us go away, which we will not.


really proud of that little detail tho maybe it fades too much into the bg


File: 1711638911943.png (151.37 KB, 275x304, mymy1.PNG)

owned by his own creation, mymyGODS will never forget


File: 1711643250857.png (451.36 KB, 1334x972, 4B6D5770-8A9D-448F-BE1F-E4….png)

us mymyGODS will never submit to the dirty nigger massa


Xe is a black qween in the movie you bigot


25 days until part 3 trust the plan patriQts


maybe? for now tho im working on some other stuff and practicing some things.

on a side note im gonna start posting my art to an NG page cuz i just feel itll be more convenient


gem even though it has nothing up yet


File: 1711756962995.png (6.78 KB, 600x800, smi.png)

nice now im following you on newgrounds or something


Hello Cam.


im going to rape you


No you are not


are tou sure




page 4? not anymore




File: 1712346802704.png (49.82 KB, 390x380, 6246 - SoyBooru.png)

Cam left us now there's no reason to move on.


File: 1712360765621.gif (9.93 MB, 480x480, clam.gif)

patience patience


its over…….


cam is working on… something


meds now xe is still making gems on the ‘ground


File: 1712525102898.gif (86.99 KB, 271x271, 1710688469770.gif)

wast is save




File: 1712653977873.png (1012.17 KB, 1219x1407, artist_doodles.png)

From the massacord.


‘am isn’t posting here so xe doesn’t get ‘nished from the ‘sacord. We need a new designated Cam to repost from the ‘grounds


Zaryans, we are truly the most oppressed race.


Does Massa really?


File: 1712694418364.png (4.94 KB, 548x548, 2235341211.png)

he will post the art here by himself, he said it, we just gotta wait or something.


two more weeks






File: 1713099371477-0.png (947.69 KB, 679x1031, bookofmymy1.png)

File: 1713099371477-1.png (3.77 MB, 1640x2692, maya warfare.png)

File: 1713099371477-2.png (1.88 MB, 4206x2467, mayaref.png)

File: 1713099371477-3.png (3.06 MB, 5722x2883, veraref2.png)

Just a friend of Cam here. from what he's told me he wants to be able to share art with both soyzellig users and massacord users, but doesnt wanna risk action from the mods. the NG account is kinda his way of a compromise so the art doesnt have to remain behind massacord

anyways heres some gems from his NG if you guys havent seen them


They ban for merely posting here? If I were him, I would go on full confrontation and either force them to drop the idiotic rules (or idiotic mods) or face the exodus of valuable users. But it's his choice of course.


Anyway, ppd is on 1 month streak of stable growth, so whatever they are trying do to shut us down is clearly not working.


And it's a 1 month streak instead longer only because the release of the /v/ game has resulted in a temporary increase in the number of posts.


gemmy art btw (especially the maya one, SWABAG)


We are so back







File: 1713539527511-0.png (1012.15 KB, 1219x1407, artist doodles.png)

File: 1713539527511-1.png (4.71 MB, 2178x1448, Ghanshandoodle.png)

File: 1713539527511-2.png (1.25 MB, 2311x2278, Gionam.png)

File: 1713539527511-3.png (572.54 KB, 1446x2278, keekee2.png)

So i may or may not come back here, im not sure, time will tell, so for now disregard the previous message. i do understand its been a long while since ive made any update regarding the comic, but that'll be explained hopefully in a few days. for now new art


File: 1713539641804-0.png (53.41 KB, 290x410, Screenshot (1041).png)

File: 1713539641804-1.png (248.31 KB, 957x297, Screenshot (999).png)

File: 1713539641804-2.jpg (1.77 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9619.jpg)

File: 1713539641804-3.jpg (1.9 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9620.jpg)



File: 1713539774921.gif (227.13 KB, 96x98, cryingomg.gif)

i missed you




why did you so rarely post your works on newgrounds?


Hey cam, I was meaning to ask you on /co/ how you managed to get so good at replicating Massa's Ongezellig artstyle? Any tips or resources you use? Or just drawing tips for a newbie in general


in the case of the last batch, its because i wanted to post them all together given theyre all requests for different artists. in general im just a very slow artist


no clue, considering my art before this was completely different i still dont know how im doing this. guess im just good at analyzing the style


idk how but these always look better than mine. i guess it's logical since I only started drawing ongezellig fan art like 2 to 3 weeks ago


it's not problem, i'm not faster than you


Mind telling us what you used to draw? Or would that kind of information reveal you to not be the Cam we thought you were?


What tools do you use?


he draws during class in middle school


Pencil & pen in real life and for digital art, I just use jspaint.app (ms paint)


the last one looks exactly like massa's stuff
i wouldn't be able to tell at all if not for the english text


I used to use sai2, but switched to krita cuz sai2 is a bit limiting. i use an xp4 starG640


Do you plan to buy a drawing tablet in the future?


Crowdfund this man a tablet NOW


Isn't a tablet like €200 or something? I could pay for that myself


if youve seen a twitter post about "project ROY" thats the reason i havent been able to get a new mayas new classmate comic done, its not cancelled tho, project roy is just taking a lot of time and focus and im super passionate aboutit


Can't wait till it's released.




they’re both gem


File: 1715788203687-0.png (597.73 KB, 1083x1093, peebieleaves.png)

File: 1715788203687-1.png (672.74 KB, 1083x1093, bertuponyeleaf.png)

File: 1715788203687-2.jpg (64.73 KB, 500x500, 8q5ehq.jpg)

File: 1715788203687-3.jpg (61.16 KB, 500x500, 8q5ebr.jpg)

new stuff



Zeyed, Cam


zemmy, now post the coco without the throwable


File: 1715797211542.png (463.9 KB, 1083x1093, cocothrow.png)


File: 1715797428936.png (482.73 KB, 1083x1093, cocothrow.png)

improved version


File: 1715806941933.png (544.21 KB, 1083x1093, CocoTTD.png)

Forgot to post this, TTD


im trans btw if that matters


thank you cam!


marge how did xe find a tranny this small



retarded nigger is going to drive away all the talent


no this isnt me


File: 1715812509162.png (35.49 KB, 1000x1120, 80844d710caaab0f0cf25bc157….png)

i've done this once… im so sorry i cant let this happen again
so sorry cam


its alright



Genius aryan is going to drive away all the sensitive offsiters


Gem that made ((((massacord)))) ack


Gem that made ((((massacord)))) ack


File: 1716102691630.webm (279.77 KB, 750x330, RPReplay_Final1711904573.webm)


i wanted to, i just really dont have the time for it anymore with projectROY


File: 1716174287655-0.png (1.28 MB, 2666x1410, cocosheet2.png)

File: 1716174287655-1.png (1.39 MB, 2666x1410, cocosheet1.png)


Perfect drawings of the best girl btw


File: 1716185425224.png (8.3 KB, 255x244, 1716141040990j-1.png)

Now draw it into Maya


File: 1716185491608.png (13.61 KB, 888x849, 1716141040990j-1 (1).png)

High quality image


oh now i see why people say zellig style was inspired by my little pony


cause of her little snout nose?


yes and her hair too. artisanally crafted for snuggling


ive already done a maya ref sheet


I think he wants you to draw her as a meximutt


Where can i find more of your fan comics zaryan



File: 1719702906665.gif (Spoiler Image, 12.24 KB, 220x170, 91890ED4-D610-45CA-882D-91….gif)

is nothing sacred


File: 1719719472569.jpg (245.21 KB, 1210x1080, 1686582057260.jpg)

Damn only two comics. Gold but still I Hope he continues soon


File: 1719719963205.png (3.77 MB, 1640x2692, maya_warfare.png)

i love this one


would yall buy cod maya warfare?


File: 1719728332066.gif (114.27 KB, 640x576, BD945760-33E7-4C7F-B0CB-F0….gif)


i would pre order it probably


File: 1721492789691.jpg (423.74 KB, 1304x707, 5886425_1014602_camongezel….jpg)

New Cam art dropped. If you look closely she looks really weird. Because simply, to draw a character well you have to have genuine connection to them, this is why chuds like yossak know how to draw her and even the best artists like cam cant, they dont know what makes Mymy Mymy and it shows through their art


elitist niggerbabble DNI


pvre vnadvltered trvthbQmba


Cam ain't the best but yosack just traces nigga


it looks normal retard, when yosack does it it looks weird


File: 1721494510590.gif (333.77 KB, 600x433, ezgif-6-04090a998b.gif)

I dont trace nigger


cunny addict niggerbabble DNI


Yosack is a dirty ‘cord pedonigger thobeit.


most autistic lurker award


Why does everyone thinks im a pedo I said it as a joke nigger that was 6 months ago before I even knew about the 'arty + im 15.


you made a post on here a few weeks ago saying you graduated high school and are about to go into college thoughbeit


File: 1721495343670.png (18.79 KB, 669x141, yosack jaki cord.png)

the joke in question:


Every single screenshot of you being a pedo was from like a month or two ago at best, and you followed an account on xitter that posted AI loli zellig shit. Also your ass is not 15 I remember seeing you talking about graduating high school and going to college last month. You are a pedophile lil nigga.


I was born on January 2009
Its not a funny joke but the guy who took the screenshot would've definitely known I was joking but wanted to call me out for saying it because he's a nigger. I was a cord nigger back then. + I said "when I'm 18 I'm killing myself" iplying that I am bellow 18


File: 1721495624874.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1170x1983, IMG_9112.jpeg)


its "ongezellig fan" the guy that got doxxed by the 'arty. Hes like my first follower and we're kinda frends or some sort he told me to follow him


wasnt that nigga also a pedophile


how is he a pedonigger though, even if he gratuated highschool he is still 18-19, how is he a pedo for wanting to fuck a 16 year old? The American brain is ruined I stg


he said the L word specifically, not just the zellig sisters


You are a porn-brained gooner faggot and should consider suicide


looks like a joke to me, people make much worse jokes and no one cares. This namefagging cord drama shit is legitimately braindead vantablackbrimstone content anyways


Wow but yosack isnt. So true!


Replied to the wrong post award, meant to reply to the one above your message lol


stupid nigger you could have just deleted your post and recomment it. lurk moar nufag


Not a joke. If he follows a guy who posts loli, that means he wants to see more loli.


post proof of your DOB and all this will be dropped nigga


File: 1721496669691-0.png (Spoiler Image, 139.71 KB, 1170x462, IMG_4628.png)

File: 1721496669691-1.png (Spoiler Image, 1.09 MB, 1170x1494, IMG_4630.png)

You weird vro….


the ongezelig fan nigga he followed had one with maya and mymy naked holding up a graph that said the ideal sexual age for a woman is 12 or something


I'm a porn-brained gooner faggot for thinking it's okay for a 18 year old to want to fuck a 16 year old? kys obese American faggot


Mymy is 16, Yosack is 15-18, there is no situation where that's wrong


At that time i didnt know ongezellig fan was a pedo. I unfollowed him on xitter and then unfollowed him later on


1. You knew he was a pedo (hard to not know that if you follow him and see what he posts).
2. You didn't mind it, as he started to make new accounts after chuds reported him on xitter and you followed them all.


if it isnt wrong yosack would own up to being 18 instead of lying about it


File: 1721497345968.png (17.18 KB, 535x97, imagedgs.png)

Niggas will say shit like this and then lose their minds over Foenkie posting zellig 'p to the booru GEEEEG hypocrites. All zellig gooning is bad regardless of wether or not the poster in question is a 20 something Egyptian or a 15-18 year old Italian retard.


File: 1721497550091.png (1.05 MB, 1626x776, image-11.png)


New ‘rama


Still not wrong at all, both legally and morally. Maybe he doesn't own up to it because you falseflagtrannies try and find any reason to bash on the guy. Stop creating useless infighting for a dumb kike implanted reason, why do you all even hate him? Am I missing something or is it really just muh 18 year old wants to fuck fictional 16 year old


yes, because a teen whos a fan of the show saying he wants to fuck a 16yr old character is the same as some brimfag who is directly affiliated to the show and is in his 20s reposting zellig 'p


i dont even use base to aid me in drawing I'm just that good of an artist


File: 1721498035103.jpg (97.32 KB, 546x470, 127 - mymy nigger official….jpg)

how is that tracing you stupid faggot how much of a bastard do you need to be to claim that is tracing? It is referencing at max


mymy is 15 doey


for me its not the age its the sexualizing the non sexual character


Gooning is disgusting, no matter the age of people/characters involved. Also he lacks the honour needed not to lie about his age and to apologise for his words.


Since when did this site become infected with /co/omers trying to justify this shit. Thank God Zoot is pulling the plug


We know Coco and Maya are 16 -> 17, why wouldn't Mymy also be 16? Regardless my point still stands


call him a gooner all you want, I don't care, I just dislike seeing someone who's clearly not a pedo being labeled as one. Gooner =/= Pedo


We are talking about loli shit here, can't you read?


I only love mymy lads. Im not a shitalian thirdworlder pedo i am a 15 year old honorary aryan chad who loves mymy


I'll tell you now there's no way he's 15, and his repeated postings of loli shit aren't just going to magically disappear once he turns 19 or 20 or whatever arbitrary age you think threatening to rape fictional Dutch teenagers stops being justifiable.


>no no guys you dont get it! just because they look like theyre 8 years old doesnt mean its le bad. theyre le actually 158 years old!!!
retard alert we're talking about xim following loli accounts and talking about cunny not just mymy. zoot rape this nigger


why dont you post proof that youre 15 then? you seem to backtrack on your age whenever you get called out for being a pedo


I'm basing most of what I say over this xitter-behavior braindead thread, and the only loli shit I saw was something that seemed like a joke, also as if you all didn't say much worse shit. Again, am I missing something or is that it? Is there more?
Only loli shit I saw was a 'cord msg, the account you all linked showed Mymy 'p in it, not loli


>Mymy 'p in it, not loli
Can you explain the difference?



you are very cool bro


File: 1721499286290.png (169.75 KB, 1462x692, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1721499412054.png (13.5 KB, 420x98, 2024-07-20_19-15.png)

>Only loli shit I saw was a 'cord msg, the account you all linked showed Mymy 'p in it, not loli


Show da passport for sure, blur the photo if you afraid


what is this meant to prove?


the age of consent is 16 btw


Lolis are legitimately pedo-material, they look and act >11, Mymy is a fictional highschool 16yr old who acts and looks like it, literally nothing wrong with an 18yr old wanting to fuck her (from a pedo point of view, ignoring the gooning part)>>33090


Did he even like that post? I don't believe that he tolerated such an excess

Your words were very useful for our investigation, Yosack. We'll take them into account.

>ama envy jartypedo without any artistic talent, so I shall slander and tarnish reputation of an every saar who has one.


>i don't care about de'cord drama but im still like it because uh… its just is ok?
what is wrong with me bruh, only in ohio
Dark PR is out of control
The age of consent in Turkey is 18, just a fact for you


I did't ask you about the distinction between loli and drawings of 16 year old, I asked you about the distinction between 'p (shown above) and loli.


in my state in usa age of consent is 16


i was talking about humans not roaches but ok nice to know


File: 1721500193151.png (544.21 KB, 1083x1093, 1715806941933.png)

Anyways, stop shitting about Yosack in this thread. Create a new one or go back to de'cord. Only Cam's works is acceptable in here.


Ignoring the current niggerdrama ITT, im really disappointed that cam never made a reappearance


File: 1721501051078.mp3 (361.96 KB, • Discord coco-gemeral Roo….mp3)

Question what prompted this voice message of yours


File: 1721501121349.jpg (1.08 MB, 2287x1284, MV5BNTJjZThjMDItYTg2Ny00M2….jpg)

Hi vro


Take a wild guess as to why he isn't still posting here (hint: look at the post above)


The artist Cam grew to hate the show's growing non-Dutch fan base and subsequently stopped posting Ongezellig arts in this thread out of spite.


File: 1738665754603.jpeg (67.87 KB, 897x891, IMG_0513.jpeg)



Good lord what happened here.


"De Groot Leakage" ofzo



Just because a guy has social anxiety doesn't make him gay.


Arguing with a demoralnigger again Zaryan


>t. socially inept reelfag nunigger


everyone here is socially disabled nununununublackmonkeygorillaapenigger


File: 1738698500822.mp4 (335.38 KB, 1280x720, 69154 - SoyBooru.mp4)

>>t. socially inept reelfag nunigger


2 cataclysmic braps above

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