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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1697105017600.png (55.81 KB, 621x362, Screenshot 2023-10-12 2102….png)


ermmmm 'teens, the frogniggers and 'litapedos griefed our Garden of Eden.


On my way zelligking


Tfw frogniggers come out as 'lita fuccicord pedos


File: 1697106801008.png (24.99 KB, 150x200, 1693959505392.png)

Imagine my surprise when frogfags turn out to be 'GroomercordQafe764ClaypartyFucciHamoodboxVulkanAfterpartySoyjakcolony fags


As expected


I removed the tumor and replaced it with "4 bwc".


repair deities have one once again


File: 1697135478103.png (186.84 KB, 1478x990, ClipboardImage.png)

help me fix up this text mess they made


You can do it yourself. I singlehandedly removed the ukrofash flag alone. I ll help tho.




File: 1697148955079.png (293.18 KB, 898x776, ClipboardImage.png)

should we put a giant mymy or something here to connect both colonys


dont damage the calm


we could fix the calm, something about it looks half finished


No shit nigger I wonder why


restoring it rn


Somebody vandalized coco again. Also gays have appeared again replace them with Dutch flag.


Frog alarm
back up please



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