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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Booruanon here, still working on it. Fixed up this dancing 'my gif.


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Yo, zaryan. Glad to hear you are here.

What type of 'ru script/engine are you using (szurubooru or something else)?

Will you use your own computer for hosting or are you going to buy a hosting server online?

What will be the name (domain) of the site?

Can you share any other interesting information?


Dataminerald but I'll take the bait
- I'm using Shimmie2. Is Szuru better? Been having a hell and a half of a hard time getting Shimmie to work.
- Got a VPS. Shit ain't cheap, so I might set up a donation page.
- Can't share yet, still setting up.
- I made the template for the giant Coco on the 'shinny planet and am one of the most active repairchuds there.


>shit ain't cheap, so I might set up a donation page
Just go the way of Troongeleno and put a million ads in so that adblockCHADS can access it and filter out the normies who don't know how to use a blocker.


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no normies even know what zellig is


truth, sometimes we forget how far down and niche we are compared to normalGODs, image the perspective difference


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1. I'm not sure. I only know about IB engines. I once looked up on youtube how to setup a booru and it was about szurubooru. You can try it out, i guess.
2. Do you mind telling me more about VPS? I'm currently using a shared hosting server. I chose it, because it was cheap but now i realise that it has some limitations to it (e.g. no root access). How much does it cost and from where did you get it?
4.'lanetGOD, thanks for your service O/

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