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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Hi, it's me, the guy who posted sketches on /qa/. Sorry for not posting the day 10 sketch, I didn't finish it because I had exams. I ll post it sometime tommorow doe.


i transheart you


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Hi, zaryan! It's ok, life is more important then your posts on these IBs. First deal with your IRL problems, then goof around as much as you want.

I see that the head is better then the last sketch of Mymy. Bravo! If you want to, there is a bunch of concept art in the AI mega link, in the Zigle Zogle folder. They are not perfect, but i hope that you can find them useful. I would also suggest learning some anatomy. There is this really good book form Andrew Loomis. I think it was called "Drawing the Body" or something simulare. You can find a free pdf of this book (and his other works too) on Google.

I'm looking forward to your improvement, zaryan! Keep making gems.

God bless.


Is oki blud focus on your exams, praying for ya ?


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Welcome drawDEITY


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i transheart you more than the other guy
we love your drawings <33

hope u did well on ur exams btw


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Your drawings get better every day, seriously
At first you made them remind me of kuz with the head shape but it looks like its forming its own style now

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