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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1708438873504.png (46.25 KB, 172x220, 1707215098331.png)


This will probably ruin the fanbase but if you want this show alive you fags gotta make the big name tubers review it.


ive yet to see one (1) clever or interesting neutralplier thread


spam it in pewdiepie's meme subreddit


>even doe Massa wouldn't give a shit



might make bigger names or producers at least glance at 'zellig which I'd say is a win though


Honestly maybe, or other subs


File: 1708487962023.png (94.4 KB, 430x400, 1706851006293.png)

>spam it in pewdiepie's meme subreddit
>Honestly maybe, or other subs


reddit army, kill this man!!!





He had to end the series because it was not bringing enough money. If you make more people watch it, it will make more money and he might as well just want to continue.




Is he supposed to be holding a (You) but it's been crudely shopped out again?


He only cares for the dutch audience albeit
>how to kill zellig and piss on it's grave

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