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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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 No.10451[Last 50 Posts]

(my art) don't mess with mymy




File: 1708346398760.png (105.56 KB, 545x542, Screenshot (83).png)

more mymy sketches so this is now the red mymy art thread


i transheart it can you do other characters as well please


I wish I could draw that well


ya but i dont really know what situations to put the other zelligsisters in. I just draw Mymy a lot cuz she's my favorite sister.


keyed… so fucking zeyed…


what does that mean? I'm new here sorry


Just a term we zaryans use for “based” (you know the internet slang used to signal agreement and praise whoever said such).


aw aw thank you °∀°


File: 1708351036301.png (162.16 KB, 508x588, Screenshot (82).png)

here's another drawing of mymy i forgot to post. What do you think she;s reading?


Well since you’re new here, welcome!


gems but drop the faglingo


I have a question, is everyone here actually racist and all that other stuff? I only come here for ongezellig related discussions


File: 1708351533573.png (176.63 KB, 1521x735, ClipboardImage.png)

Well I'm racist cuz it's funny


File: 1708351649797.webm (3.02 MB, 1080x1920, gigachud.webm)

we are


Yea, most are.
This specific clique of zellig derived from soyjak.party, which was an imageboard dedicated to soyjaks. Soyjaks are leftists in nature so the imageboard easily became far right, which most of us here are.
I am 100% fine with so if you aren't, as long as you don't bother arguing over it 24/7.
as far as i know you are welcome to post here and enjoy zellig with us, despite our opinions on demographics.


ok i didn;t know that.
Anyway send me some suggestions or prompts of whatever you wanna see the ongezellig characters doing. I've kinda ran out of ideas so i'll try my best to draw them.


It's alright I understand, it's all quite complicated really.

About suggestions, well we could use a few reaction images. I feel as if that'd do well for further expanding zarty culture.
I don't have any good suggestions really, but you could go look on the internet for popular (or lesser known ones for that matter) and create zellig versions of such.
Even better you could make your entire own one, but you don't have to, together with all i just suggested.


File: 1708352856331.png (5.14 MB, 3200x2001, (2023-08) MymyGezocht.png)

Mymy hugging her bio sister after years of not seeing each other (Yes I'm requesting this again because I'm a SLF for heckking wholesome sibling moments)
pic for reference


File: 1708354503178.png (2.91 MB, 2200x2000, coco_hike.png)


File: 1708355032937.png (35.92 KB, 255x233, 1695478499203-1.png)

gemi girls


soullfull zemerald


oh my science she's so beautiful


File: 1708356325180.gif (880.27 KB, 238x160, 1708203406160.gif)

Biggest gem ever


She finally found a bigger book about Drenthe


File: 1708359602422.png (24.09 KB, 483x490, 125225.png)

why can't I hike with coco. life is so cruel


File: 1708360070142-0.png (91.57 KB, 382x522, Screenshot (84).png)

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File: 1708360070142-2.png (71.41 KB, 356x523, Screenshot (86).png)

hope this works


wholesome, sovl touching gem


File: 1708361054117.png (283.66 KB, 700x455, ClipboardImage.png)

Zarty shattering, heart breaking, tear jerking, emotionally gripping GEM (that broke my heart)
God bless you drawDEITY


File: 1708361276725.png (159.69 KB, 480x437, Screenshot_2023-07-23-13-4….png)

this embracing is too wholesome im going to melt chuds
draw mymy and coco hugging maya


Touched far into my Chvddy soul. Wholesome


can you draw maya asleep on a bus leaning her head on the window


Oh my God she is so attractive


File: 1708410104243.png (32.12 KB, 1186x877, 1708397478805.png)

can you draw the girls lined up together kind of like this but smiling
btw canonically mymy is 155 cm tall, maya is 165 and cocos 175


File: 1708417543349.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1710x2200, IMG_1222.jpeg)

At school can’t fill most requests but I sketched this one


DrawDEITY I love you very much, your art is really good, thanks for taking our requests.


back home from school time to draw


File: 1708424140578.png (84.03 KB, 360x373, 1696947079037.png)

Can't wait to see your gems


I honestly do not believe most people here are serious about being "far right." Keyword on "most" and even then it depends on what you mean by "far right." Even if you're an ethno-nat, what's your plan to achieve a homogenous ethno-state in the God forsaken current year? I can believe there are plenty of chuds here, but I'd reckon most are just LARPing.


File: 1708424930023.png (54.44 KB, 350x499, 1708424743391.png)

>I'd reckon most are just LARPing
The only real action I've taken is voting for far-right parties, so I guess you're not wrong


Well if they really do believe in such political ideologies i wouldn't say that they are LARPing.
Some people might just follow the crowd and post chudpill content, sure, but i am fairly certain by my own observations that most people here are far-right (including National Socialists).


I would say same, but funny observations are usually true so there's no difference in the end.
I'm not a politician if that's what you're asking.


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File: 1708430494304-3.png (123.4 KB, 866x459, Screenshot (91).png)

took a lot of time but here it is


Wholesome gem, you should organize it like a comic doe


yea it's scattered, afraid the boxes wouldn't fit the whole drawing. So opted for just a messy format. I'll organize it next time


i love it when she's happy
im sorry it took you a while, i think this is amazing


why is it so gemmy, zaryans..


File: 1708432028043.gif (304.76 KB, 265x400, 40979 - SoyBooru.gif)

The gem that melted the xardy's heart, lovely work again drawGOD


File: 1708432372219.jpg (40.26 KB, 795x1000, 1583781609754.jpg)

it's you, zaryan


yea you don't have to apologize, just glad you guys enjoy my doodles of the sisters/


thank you. But i am not white (aryan? or whatever) nor am I a gigachad male.
I appreciate the comments about my art 210985329r02482


Well we love ourselves a humble king don’t we.


File: 1708434458065.png (316.46 KB, 1075x533, Screenshot (92).png)

Ok i am not really sure what you may have imagined but i thought this was funny so i drew it. Tell me if you like it, if not i'll redraw it but if you do like this version i'll render it because it's rough.




Not him, but I think it looks really good so far. I don't know how many responses you'll wait for, but I say it looks good enough to go with the render.


artist here, send me more reaction image suggestions. They're more fun to draw.


The thread that saved Zellig and gave me hope for the future


File: 1708437384914.png (325.08 KB, 500x500, ClipboardImage.png)

Zellig drip



old 'toss albeit


File: 1708437726975.png (2 MB, 1832x1384, ClipboardImage.png)

mymy soyface


File: 1708437765309.png (24.68 KB, 713x867, 1701656863577-3.png)

It looks like you've got your own style going, but are you interested in trying something more like this in effect?


yea, my style can vary on the pen type i use. So if i'm using high opacity and more sharper unlike the watercolor pen that i currently use, probably. I draw more "gritty" when I use an irl pen. Might post school doodles. If anyone's up for that?


what even… what?


post everything you've made, this whole thread can be your personal museum


everything? Even everything non-zellig related?


As long as it doesnt reveal personal info


personally i'm curious to see the other drawings, maybe just condense them all into one reply thoughever


wow, this is such an honor but i don't think I should. I'll just stick to ongezellig drawings here. I do have other art pursuits (creating a comic). It'd be great if I got some support and feedback but I'll just keep this thread zellig-related.


this is great but i was thinking of a hands on shoulders group photo kind of thing maybe like the 2nd one >>10597 here but theyre looking at the camera and smiling maybe and its slightly more zoomed out and its coco in the center with her hands on mymy and mayas shoulders since shes the tallest, thats why i mentioned the characters' heights, pardon me but >>10568 was the only 3soyjaks image i could find on my pc


nobody could have known this


can you draw maya trying to cook and failing miserably


File: 1708494921149.png (561.24 KB, 620x620, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10686 draw her preparing this dish


Ou vey, a traditional japsterdam dish?


ok i'll redraw it


I would enjoy Maya's gonzo cooking channel


File: 1708531230025.png (138.66 KB, 1104x549, Screenshot (98).png)


It took me a long time to post this because there was a power outage (3rd world country problems) and my laptop battery gave out. Hope this works.


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File: 1708533406986-1.png (99.29 KB, 551x484, Screenshot (100).png)

drew in a different program with a different brush using >>10618 's advice.


It's funny that Maya looks so much like the cactus


File: 1708534019450.jpg (73.48 KB, 1203x548, mymy_soyface.jpg)

this was made in mspaint because most soyfaces are done with mspaint so i decided to go with that instead


no literally, I really am not white (asian) and i am neither a guy. Thanks for the praise and comments doe. appreciated


Marvelous art as always.

Take no offense to this but you seem a bit naive so let me give you some advice surrounding imageboards such as this one. Please, be careful and never ever give too much information about yourself or potentially say or post stuff that could have you identified. Some of the people online are awful so be careful!


Wtf??? Woman? Non-white woman? In the zarty? Lmao.

Also, is xhe bvilt for BWC? Hmmmm…






File: 1708535739041.png (1.44 MB, 1362x1823, 1681680926883-0.png)

perv kys


Please don't alienate her with your stupid horny posting. She has been nothing but good to us by taking our requests and drawing them. Leave her alone.


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File: 1708535933492-1.png (1.41 MB, 1750x1752, 6.png)

Could you draw a maya and that boy resting on beach just like in 1st pic?


>non white woman on the zarty


thx. Wasn't gonna reveal gender cuz it didn't matter too much to me. Just thought i'd say I wouldn't be a king.
(also came to these boards cuz nowhere else had as many zellig fans as much as here)


File: 1708536324242.jpeg (36.52 KB, 735x649, minor.jpeg)


Will do tomorrow, gonna sleep now. Night night, soyzellig party .


I was simply saying she is the queen of the zarty. Dropkick all creepyfags into the concrete.


maybe you right, my (and not only my) jokes almost always cap the climax


sleep well


File: 1708536732182.png (160.29 KB, 349x351, qdEbCzz75VkuANa0SWHQbpSdUI….png)

Literally u???


I was just kidding around, i simply found it impressive that there even is a woman here in the first place.


I say and look like this


Maya going to the gym and struggling to lift the bar while coco cheers her on


Upvoting this heckin wholesome comment!



mymy is crowned eternal empress of the netherlands


Brilliant work, her pose feels very dynamic


When I did a professional animation class (in Australia) I was the only white guy, or guy at all beside the teacher. Nearly every student was an asian girl. So it's not too surprising.


File: 1708594365312.png (39.02 KB, 676x1021, 18F88E9C-9B2D-405A-A624-71….png)

this is exactly what i had in mind
your upvote and reddit gold, kind stranger
btw do you have a patreon or anything like that? do you draw as a hobby thing or for the money or something?


aw heelll nawwww, lil bro simpin' already 💀💀💀


File: 1708608871523.png (217.62 KB, 1200x1000, beach.png)

hallo, here you go. Tell me if you want anything fixed. (I also suck at drawing scenery/background but because of that, i really like this request since it made me draw something i'm weak at and forces me to improve.)


no i do not have patreon. I don't know how to set one up and i don't have a credit card or anything to transfer money with. I do draw as a hobby and hopefully I can maybe make a career out of it (in the future). I don't draw for money (yet). Not to get too into personal details but I am writing/drawing an ongoing comic series. I'd like some support and readers but frankly, (and no offense) I do not want to be associated with this website.


File: 1708612213870.png (358.09 KB, 1200x1000, lift.png)

ok this was the most fun request I've done so far. The wholesome sister bonding moment drawings are cool too. (I just like to draw favorite characters in funny situations more). But this change in facial expressions were really refreshing , also the new poses and stuff. Thanx to the person who requested this.


If you think WE are bad, just wait until you see the people we're associated with.


File: 1708615251167.png (812.24 KB, 1200x1000, eternal_empress.png)

she already is


Nah it's good my nigga zis is good already



Could you do Mymy and her Xister hugging?



Could you please draw Mymy in a tank committing the Japsterdam Square Massacre of '89?


i see. its fine, i understand why you wouldnt wanna be associated with us
anyway. i like your artstyle, its cute, simplistic and unique in just the right way, and you seem to understand proportions better than others; im not an artist myself but i would suggest making the chins less pointy and, i dunno if im putting it right, use fewer lines when drawing hands, especially the fingers, here >>10867 you drew each of them separately which makes them look masculine and thus a bit off-putting for a female character, also here >>10864 you messed up the proportions a little, coco kind of looks like a midget because her lower legs are too short
im not sure if my advice is of any use, just practice and see what works, what looks good and what doesnt, even if it means redrawing the whole thing from scratch, just be yourself or thingsome


Draw how Coco met Skylla (character of hellonearth-iii)


File: 1708646979534.png (2 MB, 1168x3472, IMG_6411.png)

They would be good friends I think


Built for his bwc


It's been a while since I last saw this gem


File: 1708647685872.png (133.99 KB, 1416x1375, 1708362256074.png)


Could you please draw Mymy getting a brick thrown at her


File: 1708648806467-0.png (5.53 MB, 3840x2160, (2021-04) VeraOuder.png)

File: 1708648806467-1.png (3.38 MB, 3840x2160, (2020-04) MayaDouche.png)

You will NOT do this, and instead you WILL draw Vera trying to teach Maya how to play the guitar


No you VILL draw Mymy getting a brick thrown at her and maybe this too


tsmt, draw mymy having bricks thrown at her


Did he redo this? I thought I remembered the conversation being in screencaps.


File: 1708652961823.png (489.74 KB, 580x557, 1705631655761.png)


Mymy getting a brick thrown at her, are you deaf or something


I don’t know how they met. Did they ever meet?


What does tsmt mean?


this, so much this


File: 1708656213755.jpeg (307.98 KB, 1369x1600, 66311560-8FF7-4C2C-90E3-A….jpeg)

Assassination attempt


it's over


File: 1708657400731.jpeg (311.12 KB, 1600x1382, E4AE7507-7F04-455E-B897-3….jpeg)

At school now so it’s traditional art for the time being.


Thanks for the constructive criticism. I agree coco looks disproportionate in the drawing. I wanted her legs to be at the same line as mayas so it didn’t look like she was floating. I draw hands/fingers like that because I think the details look nice. The chins sometimes get too pointy because of my unsteady hand at base curves, but overall I draw them like that because it’s feminine.


That’s so adorable.. I want to build a sandcastle at the beach with someone else too.


Mymy got dat Ice King crown doe


“The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed”


saved this gemerald


Was waiting for someone to notice


The Artist that saved the ‘Zarty


They didn't. He probably wants you to draw that comic with Mymy in the skinhead's position.


Oh right it was Coco nvm I'm retarded


File: 1708671813744.jpeg (1.48 MB, 4032x3024, 4EA7836E-56E8-4C97-B15F-9….jpeg)

Insects 🐜


Mini zellig


Gemmy and getty


The three sisters but with their personalities swapped


File: 1708732060548.jpg (131.77 KB, 1901x1080, 1698978804266210.jpg)

Do this


Yeah this but swapped differently (coco as maya, mymy as coco, Maya as mymy



File: 1708742320820.jpeg (144.37 KB, 948x843, IMG_1139.jpeg)


Is this oc? Why is it jpeg'd?
Looks good either way.


Maya tries to teach coco how to use the computer



OP here, sounds good. Swamped with homework right now so I might post it later.


guy who requested it here, nvm


bros why is cocomymy making me feel some type of way…


Congratulations, get the "I unironically love a fictional unreal character" award



Can you do Maya playing the game with Coco and Mymy?


Mymy at the grocery store with a shopping cart full of stroopwafels


i have 3 of these awards


File: 1708803261790.png (403.71 KB, 1800x1200, japsterdam_square.png)

i have no idea what i'm doing


File: 1708806926926.png (184.08 KB, 1040x570, Screenshot (101).png)

just speculation but I think Coco would be better with a command line interface. In the first deel, she literally struggles to find a place to click with a mouse.


File: 1708807109263.gif (309.8 KB, 500x500, what is she reading though.gif)

it's all LARP, however i myself stand somewhere near libertarianism.


It's beautiful, thank you.


File: 1708807359441.png (505.28 KB, 640x640, ClipboardImage.png)

OP again, 3am right now so I am heading off to bed. See you all tomorrow.


well rest, drawchad


good night


Coco caring for Maya while she’s sick





this will take some time. I'll probably draw it last


Can you specify if it is the board game at the end of the last deel or the online one that Maya was playing?



The one that Coco offers to include Maya in at the end of the last deel.


thank you


File: 1708843337146.png (254.92 KB, 750x579, Screenshot (102).png)



File: 1708846067932.png (158.4 KB, 866x523, Screenshot (103).png)


maya's arms look kinda warped or out of place or something but the faces and everything else turned out great


nevermind im just seeing it wrong


File: 1708852612670.png (254.55 KB, 1106x1012, OMGSISA.png)

It's a…fellow AsiaGOD…?


draw maya teaching coco how to install gentoo kek


hello filipino. Fellow south-east asian


Dang. Happy to see a fellow SEAGOD in here.
Love all your art by the way, probably as beautiful as you ;)


File: 1708877616800.gif (1.17 MB, 498x606, 17704CE5-4165-41FC-9DFE-C2….gif)


File: 1708879310909.png (2.03 MB, 3800x3200, game.png)

Here you go. Took a while because I was busy. Hope you like it.


Close. I am not south american or filipino.


File: 1708880310252.png (78.81 KB, 497x585, Screenshot (105).png)

Thank you PinoyGOD. Nice to come across another ASEAN here as well. You're also probably beautiful too.


I'll do this and the Skyla + Coco comic tomorrow. Let me know if I might've missed any.


File: 1708885137148.png (59.06 KB, 255x250, 1708752136176.png)



File: 1708888155003.jpg (46.67 KB, 600x800, IMG_20231205_113853_038.jpg)

probably Chinese(yeah this hecking communist tyranty is fucking 3world "country")



Holy gemmy gem gem but where’s the orange juice covering Mymy’s feet >:(


Seek god


File: 1708899611320.gif (1.32 MB, 255x249, 10996 - SoyBooru.gif)

>seek god evendoe the juice would obscure the feet


China is a part of east Asia. Not south east Asia.


File: 1708932455966-0.png (10.28 MB, 3800x3200, game_(colored).png)

File: 1708932455967-1.png (2.14 MB, 3800x3200, game_(no_background).png)

Hey really like your shit king/queen, hope you don't mind at me taking a stab at coloring one of your sketches here since I thought it'd be a fun exercise in shading. Background was super halfassed, so if you think it's gross I provided just the three of them in the white void if anyone thinks it's better.


Oh shit, this thread should be re-named as "gemapocalypse" immediately




Hi, this is the op. THIS IS AMAZING COLORING. How did you redraw the line art doe??? Btw I am actually in love with you now.


Glad you liked it!
I just took the photo and desaturated the colors + some curvature adjustments making them a bit darker in PS. After that it was basically some layers with the Multiply blend mode and clipping masks to color in what I wanted, nothing too crazy.


When Kings and Queens meet


Can we also see some of your other drawings? It can be anything, even non-ongezellig related. I’m curious, maybe we can even work together too?


File: 1708958217017-0.png (56.96 KB, 303x493, panel1 2.PNG)

File: 1708958217017-1.png (46.94 KB, 523x302, panel3 4.PNG)


File: 1708958359038.png (139.65 KB, 788x941, 7310 - SoyBooru.png)



there is also a reference from HellOnEarth's other Skyla comic. The frozen pizza.


File: 1708959450490.png (1.82 MB, 2000x2000, maya1.png)

Oh I mean I'm still super new to drawing, even newer when it comes to digital stuff. Take this attempted redraw for example, in all its wiggly and disproportionate glory. I have a little drawing pad and I'm still trying to get used to the flow of drawing digitally n' stuff.


File: 1708959858262.jpg (46 KB, 604x340, rzfowcLqIhg.jpg)

Go on your way, you're doing great.


That looks good for someone new to digital art. Mind if I can see your traditional art as well? I also have a somewhat small drawing pad. Changes in pen pressure and the type of texture can help with the flow.


File: 1708961254429.png (144.19 KB, 1041x574, gentoo.PNG)


File: 1708961918082-0.jpg (1.29 MB, 2097x2903, 20240201_135534.jpg)

File: 1708961918082-1.jpg (1.22 MB, 2133x2714, 20240206_153903.jpg)

File: 1708961918082-2.jpg (904.98 KB, 2252x2212, 20240201_143024.jpg)

File: 1708961918082-3.jpg (768.79 KB, 1852x2374, 20240206_131836.jpg)

Little sketches I made a while back


where have i seen some of these before?


File: 1708963069550.gif (1.29 MB, 210x280, goodjob.gif)

Looks amayzing, zaryan artist. Do you trace art from others you take inspiration from? It can be very useful. You're heading the right direction son, also, don't forget to draw other objects too. Like different poses, angles, etc.
Looks gemmy either way. Good luck on your art journey. (P.S your coloring is very awesome)


File: 1708966588755.jpg (1.4 MB, 4000x2252, 20240207_102423.jpg)

Yeah tracing a bit at first and then attempting to eyeball it from there (like with the mayapic and this one), currently drawing a bunch of boxes to gain a sense of 3D space and what have you. Thanks for the compliments


Thank you for this gem zaryan


the lines are slightly uneven and jagged, as if it was drawn in mspaint, i am sure there is some feature in your whatever drawing software you use to smooth them out, but on the other side, the color palette and shading are great
looks kind of disproportionate, the head is too small and the hair is too big, 4th pic gets a pass
same issue but squared, the hands look very bad also, i have to downvote this one, sis



Glad to see you’ve improved!


Yea but at least for the mymy one, his lineart is better. More tight instead of shaky like the maya ones. This is OP, btw.


File: 1709035971571.jpeg (71.58 KB, 900x900, Barry, 63.jpeg)

Hello this is the girl drawing the zelligsisters. I am going to be busy (homework, schoolwork, working on my own comic/drawings non-zellig related). I cannot do these requests anymore. Might come back later (?) Maybe not.
I liked the positivity about my art on this site compared to others. Thanks to all the pleasant zaryans who were nice enough to explain stuff to me when I was new. Cheers.


Zaryans.. it’s over..
goodbye, zarty qveen, I hope we’ll all meet again <3


Post your non-zellig comics /qa/ or brabant
pretty pls :3


File: 1709037385762.jpg (349.92 KB, 635x633, 17542 - SoyBooru.jpg)

There's no point in moving on now…


File: 1709038725244.png (155.02 KB, 306x306, ClipboardImage.png)

Zoot, archive this thread and let it sit in the history books as most likely the best thread ever made on this site.
As for OP, I wish you the highest grades and sucess on your endeavors outside here. Thank you for coming to bless us with tens of these beautiful sketches, all of them genuinely beautiful and uplifting, I know you will be fruitful in your other endeavors. See you one day


Now you have to do it zoooooot



Best of luck in your studies! Hope to have you come back soon!


File: 1709057709677.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1181x1470, FDC54FB0-1C7F-4DF3-A148-0….jpeg)

Goodluck and goodbye fren!


File: 1709820494619.png (455.76 KB, 478x919, hatmymy.png)



File: 1709821530951.png (21.8 KB, 255x250, 1703119338275.png)


it has only been 9 days.


time flies though


God this thread needs to be bumped because of how gemmy it is honesty. Hope OP comes back.




hi. OP here, i just started a new thread with new art in /zellig/. :^)


I'm still thinking about this


File: 1719181398029.png (49.82 KB, 390x380, 6246 - SoyBooru.png)

She left us zaryans it's over…


File: 1719186694289.png (986.57 KB, 684x1050, GONER GONER GONER.png)

don't worry zaryan… Mass Zellig Suicide Event is less than one day away


MZSE, just a day away…


File: 1719190037793.gif (871.55 KB, 255x255, incomprehentional_rage.gif)



File: 1719194738980.png (39.22 KB, 654x735, 1704730538111.png)

Zarty Queen, do yuo see what did you lead to now??? They all want to ack themselves and it is like that ONLY because you left us!!!
#ResponsibilityDay #YouAreToBlameForOurDeaths


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>oh nee! please don't hurt yourselves! I love all my loyal zaryans!
<do it do it do it MZSE NOW do it do it do it feed me Vril do it do it


ok coco… im sorry… please help me grow as a person

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