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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1697004340799.jpeg (120.75 KB, 750x494, 5229B4F1-2FA9-418B-913C-5….jpeg)


Almost there….
Maybe next time zelligbros


darn it fellas. who got the get?


File: 1697028858589.png (73.65 KB, 947x918, ClipboardImage.png)



These don't even make sense. At this point, it's just like the mainstream memes. At first they are funny, because they have a meaning behind them and a small collection of people understand that meaning. Then the normies come and start to spam the meme out of context, thus removing any meaning and funniness that the original joke had.

We truly live in twitter era sharty


alright then, maybe I'm the normy lol. I guess I haven't been on soy in a long time.

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