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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

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 No.59337[Last 50 Posts]

submit ideas for soyzellig iceberg in this thread


June 24th


Pet nigger
'P spams
Gore spams

N shiet




all the admins should be somewhere on the iceberg
old deleted boards such as /art/, /agugu/, ect
Zoot’s message to Svvt
Zoot’s Discord drama
Nöok and Zuz’s degeneracy
Zuz snooping through post histories
mysterious thread deletions (such as the Gussy thread)
Grim Mymy
/v/ Newgrounds port
the original booru
Ongezellig Reanimated Collab
identity of the coder of the Schoolocaust game
game creators (Zelligfanx, MakeZellig, Ojee07)
that’d be more appropriate for a general Ongezellig iceberg, Gussy hasn’t really affected this site specifically.




The fact that not every Zaryan knows this is weird to think about


the original shitalian baiter
frognigger janny
mymy abuseralds
r_tranny password leak




That's very generic


Mayamails collab
various artists on the Zarty
the Cobson GET
the Total Zaryan Victory GET
the NZO
the failraid
the 'jeet
the school shooter's manifesto


baraag pedonigger operation


>frognigger janny


Actually kill the 'jeet with flaming hot knives


He's referring to when a bunch of frogkikes got into the janny team at the very start of this website


>the failraid
as if it was only one


Demoralnigger above


i'm referring to the sharty failraids, there used to happen regularly


damn lol


[ goog ]


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Oh oops I thought you were the obsessed shartyACKACKACKACK , but I don't know if the sharty failraiding is enough of an event


I meant *the* failraid, the one the 'jeet caused


nothingburger thoughbeit, taking into account the whole zarty history


im adding all of these + my ideas thanks zaryans


people niggerbumping random threads from a year ago


the /test/ board origin


the original /qa/ thread
the old soyzellig icon
the webpage before vichan was setup (rules)
ai zellig threads (and them being deleted)
the fart chart
zellig video archive
missing jannys
the base on the shartys minecraft server
the zartys coder
the ad that was posted on 4chan
zoots steam account
canvas project and the original /co/ thread
the first zellig thread on /co/
project zigle zogle + the original scripts etc
the first big zip archive
the sisters birthdays
r_Terras coco thread + him leaking the password and it gets deleted
mymys voice actors face pictures
update 130
roblox games
kuzs opinions on zellig
the original deel 1 with bad voice recordings
massa face dox


The Subplebbits (R/Ongezellig, R/Zellig, R/Ongezellig irl)


r/soyzellig albeit


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r/zellig was created because of r/soyzellig btw




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>this entire thread


the bbc olympics


marge from ohio


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>the bbc olympics


coco won gold medal in this





>The "Do not open the Zarty at 3am" 'pasta
>Cosplayers (Trannies groomed by Der Cord)
>Strange Hill High
>The Zooru and it's various namefags
>Current Zarty boards (Brabant, q, qa, etc.)


>No one has mentioned the Zelty yet


deleted boards and the anonymous """hack"""


No more oreos


we must make this a video out of spite due to massa cancelling xis dutch iceberg >>59337


>thrembo zaryans vs 2 dutchies


itll be 1 zaryan editing it though unless you want it to take 9 months


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zaryans i have 1488 entries already but i need more suggest more


add "dfc" and yos-ack


BME pain olympics for niggers


behead yosack curb stomp yosack


stir fry Yosack in a wok


February 6th, 2024 (Update 130)


Jesus it's been a whole fucking year


New Japsterdam Takeover
Mymy appearance on TV


the first booru owner's fate


Kate's suicide attempt



Wowzers that's fucked up.


Geg, katecacas… your response?


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heres what i have so far, i tried to balance it as theres old stuff thats well known and recent stuff that not much people know


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I forgot what the context of this image was, Kate believes in total sjef death.(leave, kate)


put more drawfags in there. like drawQVEEN n whatnot


Hello newfags just reminding you all are welcome on the site


lol, lmao even
good, just remove the shemmy and nook references


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>remove the nook entry, zoyim must not know of him and his actions, he NEVER existed zoy


Please put me a little lower.


>Yosack Jaki


>Oy zey! This thing never happened and if you question it, you're an antizelligmite!






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>the original 'zellig spammer
>pet nigger
>frog nigger
>the 'jeet
>"cummed into my hair" /qa/ poster
>Mymy's sister
>Original shitalalalalian baiter


meds mymy's sister isnt real


>implying all other personalities are real


yup its all 1 person, refer to the "95% of zarty posters are 1 person" entry


Will there be an explanation for all of these?


This entire thread is, in fact, me samefagging


Add the secret messages embedded into mymyabuse


Add "Zoots kitchen" as well


add zoot's home address as well




Zoot actually leaked his kitchen doey

Add the left 4 dead zellig addond as well


"Lisa Simpson"
Kanye zellig porn
Jannys leaking IPs
Kuz buying ongezellig


half of the things here never happened btw


Lurk moar


Like what?


Put me higher Zaryan 59337. I did no wrong


You should be an oldfag to enjoy the gems we post on this site
Otherwise you'll be banned
>inb4 "zooooooooot defend reel nuwomen like me, these obsessed chuds offend us!"


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>But Zaryan, the reelxisters are your greatest ally!


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>Hey, zaryan! See: de reel women are our greatest waifus! Let's reanimate the series and replace the zisters with our actually valid xisters like the öwner did!


There's a bottom-tier entry that none of you know about, but you're going to have to wait and see for yourselves in the coming week. You'll know what it is if you know where to look.


whats this subtle ass shit (evendoe being subtle and menacing and mysterious is gemmy)


>There's a bottom-tier entry that none of you know about,
>but you're going to have to wait and see for yourselves in the coming week.
>You'll know what it is if you know where to look.
Another nonsense SZGSE is getting dropped geg


"ongezellig writing style changed after deel 1+2" in second last tier


>mikebullet12 not mentioned
thank god, i don't want to associate with soyjak culture with this one


The scary hacker evil chud known as "soywoahjack kulcha"


Close enough.


SLF award


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zoot, wordfilter "bbc" and "bwc" to "cuddle" pls


cuddle in her mouth


Mods, destroy this poster with your big white (needs to be corrected to "vantablack") cuddles


built for biggest blackest cuddles above


ligma cuddle, ligger


test cuddle cuddle








sharty wordfilter


to "nigger"




Unrulecucked (Z)Aryans use the White Man's English and say nigger


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>Zoot, ban interracial porn on the Zarty
<"bwc" and "bbc" get wordfiltered
>Zoot, ban child porn on the Zarty


The day turkeyACK discovers this place will be fun


bwc, bbc


no, he didn't


cuddle cuddle


how do you bypass it
cuddle cuddle cuddle
cuddle cuddle


cuddle bwс


why zoot initially left cord


who gives a shot, zoot did the right choice


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i added some entries


According to this zooru post, Maya will ack on November 6th this year btw


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>soyzellig iceberg
>the iceberg is about soyzellig
>soyzellig is on the second tier of the iceberg


Stop noticing of zoiets


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>Unfunny snca racebaiteralds such as /brapbant/ were added
Oh nee, now it's coal! Good job, ligger.


gem that took me back


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what was zarty's old favicon before coco?


it was Mymy first, then Maya


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who is "theQuestion"


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the iceberg will be made into an hour-long video. each entry has long descriptions. it is halfway done. if you want to add something to the iceberg, do it now


will we hear your trans affirming voice?


You forgot to include Cocomelon


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>albeit it never happened


however redditfags got exposed to it from some plebbitor finding it on the 'ligwiki


Redditors mindbroken by 1% of the 'lig 're


repeat with me:


Zoot is r_terra conspiracy
If you looked at >>>/oc/218 and >>>/zellig/15336 you can see that both terra and zoot use the same tripcode. There is plenty of other times that they use this tripcode each


im not adding you nigger



Who was it?


december 16th failraid


That never happened, stop your investigations


jeet paid you to type this


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Is this ever going to get finished?


It's massive but progress is being made, it will be completed don't worry


Did you say… Massive?




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My BZC that I'll use to rape OP if he doesn't deliver

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