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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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 No.48660[Last 50 Posts]

faggot alert




Downvote and zem up the comments


>You messed up with the soyjak mafia


There's another wave of complainers about "DA CHUDZZZZZ", we should go specifically after these people because their only goal is to make this a troonslop




Gatekeeping doesn't work chud, in no time you'll see the fandom trooning out at alarming speed, and an increase in porn content because of course it has to happen.
If you want to keep trannies as few as possible, why not make actual new content? If they see that everything on the fandom is just Nazi shit they'll leave naturally, but now with how things are, they see the lack of content as a gate to spread their disease and "conquer" the media from the "evil chudz"


I see it as an experiment. You take a piece of inherently troon media (an animation) and hold a chuddy outpost there. And it seems to be working.


Dude, 85% of the content was made by us lol. Even to read the mayamails you have to access our wiki



seems like were entering a fanbase wide chud vs tranny zellig civil war


The ultimate chvd victory is to turn Mymy or mabye Ongezellig in general into a recognized hate symbol. No way troons and faggots would associate with it afterwards.




>just like avengers endgame Ö
They're literally reclused to small pockets, if you go on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc. we're the majority. You're only led to believe this because you keep focusing on the subreddits (which are inherently troon coded). Want to get rid of the pockets? Use the subreddits too, chud them up, repost stuff from the Zarty there





I didn't say zellig is troonslop, what I mean is that animations in general appeal to troon audience the mosy and require effort for them not to do so.


>Starting with raiding the 'cord of the Zaryan on the 'gram
Ultra margenvke


Don't take that reels-pet too serious, he's just using this site for the first time and doesn't know how to quote


Everything is planned, just trust and wait


what is he talking bout fr fr


Savejapsterdam plans to make a discord server for his reel audience


oh right


Oh yeah that, dude's a Zaryan and somehow wants to open a trannycord, why?


You just know why, don't be surprised after the (((leaks))) get posted, chud


He became large content creator overnight and now wants to create his own splintered userbase



he is trying to "cultivate" his own little shitty goofy audience seperate from the zarty.


where did he said he's creating discord server?
>inb4 screenshot
link please



he posted it on his 'gram story


File: 1733484275193.png (27.04 KB, 146x255, ClipboardImage.png)


Shut it down already


I can't find it anymore, he deleted it and maybe he changed his mind
>but its da 'gram shitty feature o algo



I had a talk with him actually, he said that he is paranoid about starting a 'cord server. He said his main concern was the issue with raids, otherwise he would have started the server


His username is literally u/BoykisserAnarchist


Created your own nonsense award
Just rangeban india


It's a shitty alt account doe, literally has 2 posts and that's it


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savejapsterdam is this guy who posted this?


Good, he shouldn't open a discord in the first place



fuck off I have proof


Show it then


Show it


No wtf


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just a little clarification, I wrote the first 3 messages so I can get a reply and make it seem like im on his side.


Also how tf did you get to know that im the Indian guy? Is my ip visible or something wtf


Reddit spacing o algo


>discord is actually le good
Faggots, both of you



Are you blind? I stated that I don't mean the messages I sent. If I meant it, I woudn't have posted it here. How am I the faggot


>they don't even know that you accomplished more for the show than they could ever do
>mass produced reels slop
The quantity over quality mindset of shitskin thirdworlders everyone


>Are you blind?



another blind cumskin, wipe the cum off your face and learn to read


He speaks like savejapsterdam isn't a Zaryan, can we ditch the factionalism already



oh ok


You've made your intentions very clear from when you first showed up: to flood us with as many normies as possible, of course you'd support any cord just so another hundred of them would show up.


What if we try to convert xim into zaryanism by subtly adding soyzellig.party references and chuddy stuff into the stuff we post onto the cord


It is always The Cord who converts the Chuds and Zaryans and never the other way around


Zaryans DM the account and ask xe to promote the Zarty in a kind way so xe doesn't get put off if we do that then the reeltroons turn into zaryans by visiting the site


It's a moderation issue.


Zem idea


Wrong reply geg meant to reply to xhis



I wasn't aware at the time that what I was doing is wrong. Other Zaryans helped me realize my mistakes and told me to focus on creating gems rather than try to shill zellig to other Indians. I hope its clear now:)


this is TRVLY the most keyed idea


>pajeet somehow dm'ed this fag
>samejeet that tried to shill zellig in India
I have a bad feeling about this


Maybe I was wrong about you, if you have changed your mind I apologize for being hostile towards you.


>shitskins are now liking this troonslop
this is over for aryankikes


>one indian gets his foot in, 100 follow


false, I converted from 'cordism to chudism, they can too


>saar we need to shill zelling in instaghram rils saar



tell me, I wanna know, what's the feeling little chuddy


you can run away from 'cord but 'cord won't run away from you



saar sorry saar but me not shilling zellig on rils saar plz trast meee


go redeem in other places shitskin


Evendoe all the zelligposting on 'gram is chuddy


>writing edgy comments in reels are chuddy now
delusional retard award


I talked about the posts, not the comments by reelsfags. Whoever runs those accounts is arguably more chuddy than the average normalkike in the comments



NO SAAR im PURE WHITE ARYAN, my ancestors cum phram yarop thaousands of years ago.


Same faggotry, like shitter
Hang yourself



saaaaaaaaaar im to poor to buy rop saar:(


I'll repeat it again, reelsfaggots will never replace us by any means.


you're confusing reels with xitter. xitter is commiepedotroon land but reels is Aryan


>xitter is commiepedotroon land but reels is Aryan
Attempted to brainwash zarty award, they're both the same.
Reelsniggers BTFO


ACKtually chud, they're both negerlands and we should all go back to forums of zoiets


Geg, this


File: 1733492975482.png (32.94 KB, 600x800, aryan neutralplier.png)

reels is Aryan because I use it doe. everything I use is automatically Aryan



So that means were all pajeets cuz a jeet is on the zarty? Great logic


yes zaar


1) I use reels
2) therefore it's Aryan
whats so hard to understand? blud has never heard of cause and effect


yeah but I don't use reels so that makes it Jewish doebeit


the fact that I use it makes it Aryan doe. you're not me.


yeah but you're also not me, and the fact that I don't use it makes it Jewish



Both of you are not me, and the fact that I use it so it makes it Xajeet


I agree that Zellig fandom should become less chuddy







bad bait


demoralizer, the other option is commiepedotroon hell filled with brimposters, we are separate from the Sharty and 4cuck


>>48806 truth though


never used an imageboard before award


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failquote thoughbeit


>>48808 "pedo" Fandom is already filled with "built for BWC" type of humour as well as the other shit


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lurk moar holy shit


>the other shit
I am curious, what other shit


evendoe they are built for it


>>48817 Zelligate


That was a falseflag by the 'affy THOUGH


>>48810 i used sharty for a while and it's been awful


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<I knew about this yt series for a while now and i really like it. But i am very encouraged to interact with the fandom and make drawings of the main 3 girls.

<i just really want to get involved with the keyed chuddy communities and since you guys have a rule about that i feel like i can just post this


nothingwaffle of the year award, nobody on the Zarty likes the Sharty


>>48822 nothing to proud of about being a soyteen


Missed the reference award


>>48826 i get it it is a reverse of post in op's screenshot, doesn't change the point though


Never said the opposite, or at least it's nothing to be proud of anymore


>>48823 maybe then this site distances itself from sharty and bans racist content?


boohoo this faggot is actually crying about racist content cry me a river nigger


Soy culture and far-right wing culture and sharty culture are 3 distinct things, where are you coming from, zoot its infected


got 5 (now 6) replies with the lowest effort bait in the world award


>distances itself from sharty
No one likes the sharty
>bans racist content?
Bad b8 m8


>>48834 huge overlap though


it's about a culture split and oppression, not erasure of soyculture as a whole, you have no pride in yourself, I am glad that I am a 'teen because soyjaks are funny and Zellig is a good show


Why are we even entertaining his idea?
The community has been fine, and actually was elevated into forever gem status because of us. Remove the chuddy part and you get the scum, we've been going strong 7 years (under different forms), why this kiked option all of a sudden?



zoot its too late trannies have already infiltrated


Trannies are trying to brainwash us. We need to stay vigilant


all that dumbfuck does is boosting pph GEEG


In the last 3 days there have been wave of shartycucks, some unaware reel migrants and it seems like 4chan cucks are trying to do some demoralization psyop, after few more days it will normalize


>>48842 did i break any unspoken rules somehow?


>4chan cucks
I hugely doubt those guys are even alive anymore


We always win in the end, when will they learn


On the off-chance you're not baiting, read


They have been active intenesely shilling for a Zarty discord in the guise of communicating for the ongezellig visual novel some time ago


I'm not supporting him, I'm calling xem a Jew for suggesting removing our chuddy qualities, apologies if that wasn't clear


>>48848 i heard deadest 4chan board has higher pph than /soy/


also don't forget the mayamail collab


I mostly meant the /co/fags, not 4chin as a whole


Its high time that we should mobilize ourselves and reclaim the subreddits of r/zellig and r/ongezellig. They are DEEP in the trannie trenches. Some retard posted every single charector as a furry. ACT NOW.


what about it?


the best way is to ease in, start with friendlyjaks trying to make peace and slowly indoctrinate them with chuddier posts


Someone was using chud the other time (they would have banned you for that like a month ago), start the gem procedure NOW


>>48850 okay what do i learn from this


>>48856 do you accept existence of any zellig communities that are not chuddy


I have no idea how to make a proper reddit post, how do I make it seem natural?


That for 7 years we kept our identity, and all was fine. Clearly the problem is not the racist stuff


They accept the trannies and furries and if they dont make countermeasures will get invaded and replaced by them


Say something like "I found this on "website"" or if it's an art piece say something that should be funny, mind you "should", redditors won't notice


>7 years
Less than 2 year to be honest


Normal people are not the problem. The only real problems are trannies and gooners. The former invites more of their kind and dilutes everything else, the latter draws porn




they should realize that the Zaryans and the zarty will forever be the superior form of fanbase in the zellig. Anybody else has the option to integrate with community and thrive. Everybody else who still cries can go kill themselves


The Zarty wasn't born out of nothing, there's a big history before that


it belongs to /co/ though


don't bother explaining stuff to them. Its not worth it.


it's been less than 2 years since we got the Zarty, but Zaryans have existed since the First Zaryan posted about Zellig on /co/ seven years ago, just because people don't have a country doesn't mean they don't exist


>delusional nufag trying to explain "zaryan history" o algo
of course its pointless


>soyjaks belong to /int/ because the swede posted there first
Same energy


this is trve


>>48869 soysphere users seem to be fixated with gatekeeping themselves from communities they label as "(trans)slop", probably mostly for the good


The hi again /qa/bros poster is undeniably a Zaryan, change my mind


>>48871 zarty and its users don't own the show or dictate the fandom


>dictate the fandom
Never heard of gatekeeping award
>But gatekeeping is le ba-ACK!


Hello apachessi


we do dictate the fandom. WE ARE THE FANDOM. We disown troonslop in all its form.


this, most of you is trying to "save the zellig" thing like ROY project and OUC but making it more "chuddy"


this site is already replaced, live with it losers


Quads of lies


>radicalized normies aren't considered as replacement though


Demoralization coal


this thread has proven that we have to go on a crusade on reddit right this instance and cleanse the zarty of trannies asap. There is only 1 u/BoykisserAnarchist right now, there will be 100 tomorrow.


demoralizer falsenigger


Now write this in English please


>>48886 Massa's discord prohibits spreading racism and transphobia


Made up word that the Jews use, where do you come from


it's from the beginning of zarty


I get it, you don't like being on the zarty cuz "transphobia racism". You can leave, nobody will care. Dont come back. Stick with the way the things go on this site or fuck off


Baited no one award, go back to massadownie foenkikie agent, you will never be a woman nor white


Can the jannies delete this thread already, this is demoralization central



Just sage it, but don't delete it. It will serve as a reminder that these people will always try to subvert how things have always been


>>48902 Okay, you got me guys, i'm Foenkie. AMA




Is saging even a feature here?


the only thing i love about this thread is the zaryans defending themselves and destroying the faggot and the demoralizers. We are one huge family. so wholesome


Didn't sage award


>>48901 wow such unbothered gemerald behavior, unlike those normie snowflakes (sarcasm)


>>48909 Forgot to say im trans btw


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Oh btw, try to post on the subreddit, that place is still not 100% up to standard


janny jan jan delete this thread NOW


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I will always be there to fight the glowies and their agents with you Zaryans, we are powerful united




Please Zaryan, remember to sage


Only trannies use sage
Just delete this thread you selfish little jannies


>>48918 does saging work on this site


>or however I need to keep bumping this thread


>>48921 im feeling so valid after this




sharty immigrant award


Thread still most bumped


Alright, its time to delete this brimstone


this thread was all possible by the almighty pajeet. Quiver in my presence cumskins


this is not sharty o algo


dont remove it its a reminder of how zarty won against all odds


kill yourself sagetranny
this thread is brimstone


and it must deleted or else zaryan race will DIE


you lost and now are leaking, go back to massadownie shitskin


im not him idiot, im just pretending to be him




Delete this thread o algo




You cannot complain about being excluded from the fandom if you promote ideologies that are hateful towards the minorities in it


Alright, vote or you're kike



guys quit fighting eachother and spread chuddiness on the reddit. I think that was the point of the thread


this thread is shit, just shut it down already


Deviant minorities are always "opressed" by majority in a healthy society, such minorities are useless, selfish, slow and inefficient, especially niggers, and also dangerous and preverted when they are trannies


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200+ posts of zaryans asserting dominance


train your resilience and learn to soyquote, you don't decide whether this thread goes or not


>>48943 examples of modern 'heathy societies" that do that?


this thread is shit just delete it already


An argument could be made that chuddy communities are actually the minority and thus are oppressed by the tranny majority


All modern societies are americanized or bolshevized and thus are extremly unhealthy


also I want to see how much pph we can milk out of one seething lolcow, we are at 125 now, new record


I was saying about general societies but point still stands as to why deviant groups have to be rejected


Germany before Weimar, the US before Obama (>but Bus-ACK!), every country not touched by Jewish identity politics


that isn't the case.

also stop comparing the chuddy vs tranny things to real life societies. Trannies should gassed and exterminated entirely


>>48944 chudjak is based on a guy that murdered 20+ people btw


Tsmt xista, I was trying to make a point


oh darn no wayyyyyyyyyyy


They eliminate themselves doe, even if they don't ack, they don't reproduce
>inb4 chuddies don't reproduce too
Religious communities and conservative people in general have the highest fertility


File: 1733498615819.mp4 (5.58 MB, 852x480, ARYANHEART: CHVD PHONK.mp4)


why hasn't this guy been banned yet? Literal embodiment of a faggot and a trannie. Cries about racism and transphobia, holy fuck leave if you got so many issues.


>>48955 "not touched by Jewish identity politics" So muslim countries with sharia law?


Those are another kind of bad if you get what I mean


they are on the same level as the jews


He doesn't break any rule, the point of imageboards is to have a small corner of Internet where actual free speech is possible


At best he's just been baiting this entire time, if you need to ban someone because they make you leak, you might want to take a look at the mirror first


Exactly, "ban everything that makes my clitty leak" would mean we built Reddit 2


>we rightists are free speech proponents or something


is there a possibility than we can raid r/ongezellig? Trannies have mutilated it


ACK this thread already PLEASE ZOOOOOOOOOOOT


Right wing is not one ideology


I recently discovered Ongezellig and fell in love with it, but getting into its community is complicated matter as its two biggest branches - this site and reddit got issuses like having to learn Zaryan slang and gain knowledge about sharty/imageboard culture to understand half of stuff written here. Issue with Reddit part is it's crazy amount of cringe and gay infestation


I'm a proponent of having a good training ground for young chuddies


>>48977 sharty and zellig wiki helps a lot though


honestly you can speak normal english and still be a part of the community. You'll face no issues.


File: 1733499282098.png (100.26 KB, 1075x1200, ClipboardImage.png)

I highly value the possibility to be able to say nigger and faggot whenever I want


realest post in this thread by a mile and kilometer


Kinda feel bad for Kate tbh



Yea over past few days I have been reading some pages on it and enjoyed "zellig vidya" games, even getting some friends to play roblox Souls thing. Tho I wish they added some dictionary page on zelligwiki with every slang word translated and with examples how to use it in sites cultural discussions


Do it yourself then, what blocks you from creating an account and writing an article?


Oh yeah, it's mostly on the sharty's wiki, and I haven't been able to transpose much of the useful stuff yet. Simply because it wasn't needed at the time (everyone was already in "on the jokes"), looks like it's time to add more pages


Well it would be silly for me to attempt to write dictonary for a language I myself I don't understand, for example over couple past days I seen words like "IAZ" "IAS" "NAZ" "Nucacas" used without any idea what they mean


You can start an article, provide an outline, write down a list of terms and sort them alphabetically, define those you understand and leave the definitions empty in those you don't. Someone will pick up and finish your work provided you put in enough effort. The wiki is a collaborative action.


a better example of of zoiets would be useful


>>48960 >Religious communities and conservative people in general have the highest fertility
does it apply to r
far-right young online imageboard members


I don't think you can ask questions about fertility of online teenagers in any meaningful sense


I'm not him but I made a page for you guys to edit


holy geg


>>48992 how many people here are older than 20


File: 1733500078233.mp4 (1014.39 KB, 640x360, The West Has Fallen?.mp4)

Of course


Did anyone ask for your ID in order to post here?


>>48997 what? no


File: 1733500156753.png (140.37 KB, 552x650, 55152 - SoyBooru.png)

>how many people here are older than 20


So, you see, no one can answer the question of "how many here are older than [age]"



Im not scared about it im 17


This is not about being scared, but caring about not leaving a digital footprint. If you don't leave personal details online nothing happens, if you do, 5 people will know your age at best or you'll get doxed at worst


You are a good person Sir.
Also completly new to sites culture and already caused groundbreaking innovation that have never been thought of before, and will surely result in thousands new users being able to join community.
The new guy who saved Zarty


all hail…HIM


>nufags will ruin da kulcha!
The nufags in question


He literally said "I'm not him", can you people read?


in rare cases they can be very helpful. So maybe this thread wasn't bad after all


Sorry zaar, I did not redeem education literature zaar


Im the "him" the new guy (nufag)


yeah I was confused, I'm still a bit of a nufag though, just less so than the other guy


>>49013 how new


thank you my friend


discovered ongezellig 3 weeks ago, and before replaying in this thread I had made only 2 other replies/posts here. And never used any other imageboards


keyed newaryan


your not the pajeet im the jeet. Stop taking my identity faggot


we'll gladly accept you because you show actual interest in Zaryan culture

you are a TRVE Zaryan


With a bit of luck I will be able to get my friends who played Zellig Sovls with me to watch Ongezellig and become Zaryans


Thanks friend


can someone format the page for me? I have no idea how to format it but then I can add a bunch of words/phrases


File: 1733501253448.jpg (146.22 KB, 1080x1080, artworks-nN5MWRrdnNjxI9D0-….jpg)

and just like that, the Zaryan race prospers alongside russians, americans, other europeans and a stinky pajeet


our jeet is clean o algo


don't forget the Canadian


When I get some free time I will try to note down words I dont understand like the Zaryan suggested above, first will have to figure out how to edit wiki pages though. Hope that this page will help other new ongezellig fans like me to get into community


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awwww thank you


It's so over
Zoot rangeban india


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im the only one out there others are just pretending. My hand is proof, I have a distinct birthmark as indentification.


>zarty then: post hand to prove you are white
>zarty now: post hand to prove you aren't white


fight the haters Zajeet


See chud, diversity truly is our strength




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new guy here again, which nations are welcome here and which ones are getting looked down upon? Wondering if I should keep my Polish blood secret in further threads


Poland is keyed (keyed means based, it was invented because faggots started using based)


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Everywhere but the red zone


This, also the zarty is mostly a slavGOD website


>Israel is missing


didn't include israel award




I'd rather be called Zajeet. Its a distinct enough title


should I spend 80 Canadian Shekels on a DNA test so I can dissociate from my awful country as much as possible? my heritage is a complete mystery except for the what I've guessed based on physical features


wrong reply message my bad


>I want to be a namefag



did my race ruin Canada that much? Why doesn't Canada decide to just box in all Indians in just Brampton? That would also sacrifice my relatives lol


no I hated Canada before the Indians came here, I'm one of the palest people here and I hate how little culture or history Canada has, not to mention how left-wing the country is when I'm very much right-wing


You should return to Israel then


>I hate how little culture or history Canada has
Marge? You are descendant of people who came into wilderness and build a whole country, your history is history of your European ancestors.


He lives not on the land of his ancestors but on the land of mongrels with no heritage.


and then we subsequently erased our old European culture, most Canadians now are just newer immigrants who wanted to live in a liberal country


THIS guy gets me


Most Canadians (also Australian, Newzealanders and such) are not mongrels. I don't get the Anglo self hate. What does it come from?


guess living in India wasn't bad after all


the mongrels are the natives dumbass, I want to return to my homeland


The natives were Inuits, what are you talking about?


I thought xe meant mongrels as a broad insult, plus the Inuits were just one of many that they teach us about every fucking year here


Most Canadians ARE mongrels. Not racemixes though, but it'll be fixed by Canadian ZOG very soon. They have no roots, no actual integral heritage even for one person and it can be fixed only by returning to the homeland of their ancestors(or at least most of their ancestors). Otherwise they'll keep being "noviops" of the West. That also applies to US as well.


GEG, what caste do you belong to, jeety?


HAHA, I belong to the most dominant caste, Brahmin. FUCK OUTTA HERE


oh my bad I didn't know what mongrel meant

yeah this is trve, most of us are Euromutts, the only thing I know for certain is that my mom is half Scottish and from my physical features I have a rough estimation of where my ancestors are from


You can brag about it only to jeets like you. It doesn't work for actual aryans, you know.


Great Indian castes include:-

Shitty castes includes:-



>the only thing I know for certain is that my mom is half Scottish
Well, that's something, but I feel kinda sad for you. I know my ancestors straight until the middle of 19th century. Hope genetic test will help you, brother.


People here in India are debating that the Aryan migration theory in India is false. I haven't researched enough about it but I can drink raw milk so I think im still an aryan


thank you, my rough estimation is the Baltics but I'm not that confident in my guesses


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>I can drink femboy's milk so im aryan saar


Im whiter than this not accurate representation, better luck next time. Also are there femboys in India???????


Do you have like western\central baltid phenotype?


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Do you really larp as white on this actually aryan website, don't you?


no idea, I just looked at things like eye colour, stature, hair colour, etc


didn't understand sarcasm award


Uhm…….. Doesn't tell a lot tbh


can't into sarcasm award


sure buddy. But no I dont larp as a white guy. I am light brown


yeah, I have grey eyes which is apparently telling so I looked into common denominators between me and my dad and those countries


what this thread turned into


discussing ancestries and such


we were indoaryans and so forth


I mean, I technically was a Punjabi Hindu Brahmin living in former Indian territory now known Porkistan. We left after partition and settled in India. So were Indus dwellers most of our family tree


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>this entire thread


I didn't expect this thread to blow up so much when I made it. Its just destiny


Edited in some of these words, even tried to format it, but my new-guy ass fucked it up and it didn't work like I wanted it too, oh well


Change the name to 'zellig speak because the name zlang suck so much.


There is zelligspeak article so xhe should probably move content of zlang article there and then ask jannies to remove zlang page


Ehhh gonna leave it for actual Zaryans to decide. I don't have enough knowledge to change their slang and word definitions. Also don't want folk saying that new guy is destroying their culture


Oh didn't know about that page, it's name is also slang. Hmm maybe we could at least make first word in title "dictionary" so it would be easier to find for new fellas


yeah it wasn't supposed to be the definitive name of the page, I just put the first thing that came to mind


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>>49164 who are you


Are you from the legion?


also, im trans btw


I made major changes to the Zelligspeak page, update it with any words you think a normie wouldn't know, assume they have no knowledge of the soysphere



i like bbc btw


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get hanged.


inspect element award


Could have copied stuff I proposed in Zlang before deleting it, Oh well


I might be retarded


I have notepad of that stuff I posted there but now I don't know where to put them as I dont know which are Shartian words and which are Zaryan


i think this divide is unnecessary, word shartian is not even used and soyspeak is used across the whole soysphere and its sharty variant used by nushartycucks has words that frootcord forced


Posted them all in Zaryan part for now


fair enough, I was wanting to make distinction on which words are part of soyspeak as a whole and which ones were exclusive to the Zarty, and that was the closest term that came to mind

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