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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1720615003102.png (144.4 KB, 832x1207, geeked out off that stroop….png)


Literal who reporting in. Zellig and the Zarty have been great so far, but caused me to fuck up my studies in college. I'll take a lil ~1 month break from DoomZellig and Zellig in general to focus on studying. I'll leave you with this gag I had in the back of my mind for a couple months, and I'll also do a request thread (with an open-ended expiry date) when I come back to make up for my absence. :)


It's summer today, you were sent to summer school?


I have summer exams for college, if that's what you mean, yes.


failed college and killed himself because of da oranje meisje cartoon award


i do this


File: 1720621381381.png (240.02 KB, 1068x1531, giga hanging.png)

failing college and killing yourself because of da oranje meisje cartoon


File: 1720623503277.png (286.35 KB, 400x526, 1718365083351y.png)

>Literal who reporting in. Zellig and the Zarty have been great so far, but caused me to fuck up my studies in college. I'll take a lil ~1 month break from DoomZellig and Zellig in general to focus on studying. I'll leave you with this gag I had in the back of my mind for a couple months, and I'll also do a request thread (with an open-ended expiry date) when I come back to make up for my absence. :)


File: 1720626140157.png (110.41 KB, 565x386, WHAAAA.png)

>zelligtroons are glorifying the fact that their animation was almost going to ruin a innocent person's life


>>zelligbrapxisterGODS are le glorifying the fact that their kino gem was almost going to SAVE a innocent person's life from generic normgroid wageslaving


File: 1720632860638.jpg (23.97 KB, 345x366, 1699589672392-1.jpg)

>Zoot #TopRabbi Just now No.6661488
>Hey zaryans go to ruin a innocent person's life it would be so cool I promise


I had the same thing happen. I discovered zellig during the second half of last semester and I devoted way too much time to the zarty, the 'cords, and making gems for the 'tube that my grades kinda slipped.


Sounds almost like escapism, never go too far down into it

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