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/raid/ - Raiding and trolling

You're annoying my dog.
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/qa/ is 'lig territory




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they're in shambles geg


>go to pol
>all anti zelligers are mudslimes
Yeah. I'm thinking zellig is aryan alright.


>my trooncore is aryan or however I am a nigger


0 days since failGET


>t. sandnigger


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In the name of Allah, the most wise and the most merciful. We, the soldiers of /dawla/ and the Islamic State in /qa/ and /pol/ hereby declare a holy jihad against the haram 'zelligers at the behest of our scholars and scientists.
Your crimes include oppression of the faithful bald cartoon men with glasses, mistreatment of prisoners of war, promoting zinah (fornication) and adultery. The only suitable punishment for your action is trial in a sharia court of law, where once the evidence is presented and the guilty verdict is inevitably handed down, you will be forced to either accept Islam or face death.
There is no escape from us, not in this world or the hereafter. Allahu akbar, allahu akbar. تكبير
I am also trans btw if that matters


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logged your IP, sending IDF agents to your sand hut, goatfucking sandpounder


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aw hell naw, blud self inserting as dr trax if he was a NIGGER 💀💀💀


no arrow



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