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/raid/ - Raiding and trolling

You're annoying my dog.
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worst board ever award
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there is already a thread on the 'arty on /soy/ about these 'dos

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It's a red herring, but it doesn't mean that the attention he gets is beneficial. The more eyes are looking, the easier to find something.


Doubtful, if he went trough staging this whole thing he's probably very confident in his opsec


It's red herring, simulation. If he felt truly confident, he wouldn't waste a second of his life on it.


Yeah I remember, I'm still looking at the thread occasionally to try to see if we have anything besides fake adresses that get reposted 5 zillion times by retards.


Up to kill OrangerWahnsinn, xhe's still fucking posting AI vantablack shitstone slop

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BigBoss9810 is back. Yet I need someone to doxx that fucker.

Also I found out he has a reddit acc.

The Same Nigher acc again.


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he's still active on Xitter.

Zaryans, start having info on this fag


nigga, xhe just wants attention and it obvious, quit giving xim what xhe wants


he’s drawing Ongezellig porn on his new Twitter account now

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So a lot of you know by now that there's an other subreddit opened by the gypsy redditor. This is of course suboptimal, since this will give a place for commiepedotroons to engage in their faggotry, provoking a domino effect. Since the last time we "visited" it, our valid trans queen set a hard cap of 100 karma to post, so you can't just create a burner and be done with it.

>What's the plan?

Posting whenever he goes to sleep (I've checked myself he always stops being online after 1 AM GMT +3 until 8-10 AM GMT+3). There are no jannies besides him so it should be easy game.

>What's the end goal?

To make him quit doing what he does or force him to raise the karma threshold to a level that would discourage newcomers from ever joining

>But I am not a redditor, how do I get 100 karma or more?

Simple, under 1000 karma every updoot you get is equal to 1 karma point. To farm karma you can either
<Post NSFW content on NSFW subs
<Act like an actual Redditor on bigger subs

Remember you only need to get around 100 upvotes

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Maybe not the best time to post this but we've got something out of this guy already

>I made this sub since no one can post on the original ongezellig sub anymore. (which wasnt even made for the show since it was created 10 years ago) I then fould out about r/zellig so for about 2 months I abandoned the sub which wasnt a big deal since it had like 3 members but then I realised that r/zellig was filled whit, you know, people that call it zellig. I came back to this sub and banned all things realted to soyjak. The only reason to why this sub has more then just 10 members is because I used to post ongezellig memes and clips on big shitposting subs, people who liked the show would click on my profile and find this subreddit. Recently I wanted to abandon this sub again and ongezellig, since all oficial content has stopped and most of the fanbase is so vile and toxic that it just makes me want nothing to do whit it. The only thing that keeps me moderateing this sub is the fact that, since I cant delete it, 12 year olds from soyjak will come here and say shit like "zarty won" or what ever.

>So in two words: Pure spite.

To whoever that is helping (so probably not much) we're on the right path, this guy is already seething so much and has lost all his passion already


Good, seems like we will have the last laugh after all.


>>402 the zarty always wins


<Zaryan space
Soooo apparently even if you don't have 100 karma, you can still comment on posts, etc.
>Then why the karma threshold
Not meeting the karma requirements will simply "hide" your post/comment from public view, but Luzeru (the guy who needs to GTFO) will still be able to see them, thus this proving to be a more viable way to run xher will into the ground.
>But I want everyone to see my shit
Farm karma then but there's always this second option


just spam the comments with GeorgeFloyderalds, you wont get banned because no one can see what you post (except for luzeru of course)

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Dox. Pillage. Destroy
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This has to be satire no way people like this genuinely exist


Probably a bait, though


crush. kill. destroy. swag.




It seems as if the “zaryans” don’t care that troons are out here infiltrating the community.

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 No.157[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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I started fixing our Mymy after taking a break from pixel planet. I'll continue tomorrow, so feel free to help out a little.


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I used one of my alt throwaway emails to make an account.


It doesn't look that bad. I will try to help.


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The 250000th GET will be posted on shemmy's /soy/ soon (not sure how soon though). Are we going to steal it?


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Almost 100 posts left, get in soon


There's less than 50 posts left if anyone's here that wants to take it

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Since the thread on /zellig/ basically died, I think we should use this new board to rekindle the matter. The pedo self insert nigger who made the 'p comic about grooming Maya for sex hasn't finished it yet (from what I've heard) and I think we should find him before and even if we does. I believe together, as Zaryans, we can do something great and bring justice to this faggot.
From what I remember, you guys found out he lives in the South, specifically Louisiana, but I think that was it
(zoot said it's okay to doxx him, btw.)
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>I'm done making loli/shota and extreme fetish drawings
Erm… win?


Can we kill that nigger already


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Did we do this?
Did we win?


nuantizelligcacas will call us pedos eve&doe we bullied a pedo into fucking off and ruining his comic


Literally told this to one nuantizelligslutta and he said "they're just trying to look good"
Unironic 1984-tier cognitive dissonance

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Jarty is an awful coal factory of a website which is full of coomers, discordtroons and pedophiles. The mods literally allow porn of the Zellig girls. Because of this disrespect to our community and because of them just generally being an awful website. We must destroy them. Spam Zellig threads on the site and replace every page on their wiki with a Zellig picture.
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The jannies made it so we can't post on /soy/. Target the other boards and the wiki now


oh my god the pedojannies are making our threads into replies


good work on raping their wiki zaryan


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Defend /QA/ on soyjak.party! Fnftrannies are trying to takeover the board
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They declared the war doe, their spam outnumbers us 2 to 1 doe, we're only bumping threads doe


they can love us or hate us, it doesn't change the fact we always win


Bumped all 'zellig threads


Oldest bumped 'zellig threads are just 5 pages away from being archived, some get to it.


Why doe? The autism wars got boring, you can always make a new zellig thread instead of necrobumping old ones

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