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/raid/ - Raiding and trolling

You're annoying my dog.
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 No.157[Last 50 Posts]


File: 1715552956477.jpg (604.89 KB, 836x1075, Screenshot_2024-05-13-01-2….jpg)

She's gonna ack herself very soon


will fix that tomorrow, also there is a template on the 'ki


File: 1715567589977.png (42.53 KB, 200x200, mymyPPF.png)

heres the template for (you)s


File: 1715625910069.png (33.41 KB, 672x628, Screenshot 2024-05-13 1.44….png)

its da boooooooooooots


it's not even a bot, it's unironically manual kek


is there any attempt at raid where they weren't losing?


Now that you mention it I don't think there has EVER been a successful operation against 'zellig/zarty



That's a different template albeit, anyone got the one currently on canvas?


-1369, -702



how do i use le extension


download tampermonkey, then click the link to install extension, then refresh the website


their becoming resigned, also that's a very beautiful flag with the black sun and all, but i would rather see you fixing mymy


File: 1715636413223.png (17.48 KB, 224x240, chudgalle.png)

Attention defenders of 'zellig, we stand this day outnumbered and outobsessed, but let that not dissuade you from defending the pride of the zarty! Spam like there is no other day to be spammed, show complete resolution and total tenacity!
Serve zellig! Serve /qa/! All other priorities are secondary to victory.


we're not even outnumbered, the situation is under control


if you are using the template don't fix eyes, but focus on more complex parts of it


i cisheart you all, good job chuds


Don't forget to do the captchas niggers




>even though failraiders have started much earlier than we and still we were able to clean it up


wtf it takes 14 seconds now?


who got the template with the website doe?


it's in this thread


we only got >>160 albeit (site advert)


We don't have this, maybe if the author is here he could post it. I tried to source it for the 'ki page but failed. You can use history though, just press H and select date.


File: 1715646623944.png (203.28 KB, 570x684, Screenshot 2024-05-14 at 0….png)

Current state of Mymy and neighbourhood. Raid has been mostly defeated and only the url needs fixing. Still no template for it, there are multiple broken images in the original thread so I guess it got lost unless someone has it saved.


File: 1715679796714.png (1.9 KB, 167x25, url.png)

I have recreated the url from history. May not be 100% accurate but that's best I can get for now.


-1349, -502


ik kneel, bedankt kind zaryan


'cord troons are removing mymy's eyes again


da boooooots are back chuds


File: 1715715828617.png (111.25 KB, 1600x730, knm,.png)

mymy coaly under attack


File: 1715716178832.png (10.83 KB, 200x225, test.png)


-1369 X
-702 Y




File: 1715723190547.png (102 KB, 1600x724, mmm.png)

dotting occuring


File: 1715725264220.png (63.65 KB, 1600x713, hfgr.png)

More dotting


File: 1715730693691.png (54.57 KB, 648x800, Screenshot 2024-05-14 1850….png)



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File: 1715731173983.png (65.48 KB, 1600x716, gfd.png)

Mymy's bows under attack


Does anyone have that image?


File: 1715752186915.jpg (883.78 KB, 1079x1964, Screenshot_20240515_134714….jpg)

No more brother wars


Sharty is currently raiding some 'cord art, they may turn to us later, stay vigilant


'my is being turned green




File: 1715788636031.png (144.62 KB, 720x1640, Screenshot_20240515-105600.png)


not our mymy albeit


mymy is mymy, we will fix


File: 1715790025383.png (4.12 KB, 76x208, mymymy.png)

1553, -8289


fixed, now remove the 'cord advertisement



we will steal it


pedocord woke up


what a clusterfuck


File: 1715795219719.png (264.98 KB, 550x550, soyboy computer.png)

some 2iq retard on the sharty thinks we're helping der cord…


a liar trying to sow discontent for zaryans


demoralization shill


File: 1715796112057.jpg (13.68 KB, 360x358, 1701378451833.jpg)

some jarty derailer keeps spamming "repair mymy" on the sharty


File: 1715796355623-0.png (24.77 KB, 597x141, Screenshot_20240515_200456.png)

File: 1715796355623-1.png (1.14 KB, 120x55, soyjak.png)

I'm working on the speech bubble now.


Get rid of the spade


same, will fix mymy later


File: 1715796891116.png (37.18 KB, 609x545, ClipboardImage.png)

'zellig win


Hello zelliggers.
I know most of you are pedos but you hate Der ’cord more than us right? Why not help us by eradicating cord link and in return we won’t touch your precious mymy?


biggest retard award
we already are


Also we don't hate the sharty


You're unironically a retard
refer to >>231 and >>233
Most of us use the sharty regularly and 0 of us are pedophiles.
How are you so shameless to slander us ceaselessly and then come begging us for help?


I've made you the template nigger


Niggers got too psyoped by discord tactics to realize zelligposters are soyteens


File: 1715804666887.png (138.29 KB, 1600x725, jikm.png)

Mymy under attack


Here's the overlay if you don't already have it.


A linefag just hopped on, one focus on him and the other focus on fixing the letters.


Its fixed, i'm gonna target that 'cord link in Italy.


leave it to the sharty


It's botted to shit doe, you won't make a difference


Soyteens are currently fixing their coaly, make sure to keep an extra eye on Mymy if they try to grief it.


File: 1715875353969.png (8.74 KB, 247x350, Screenshot 2024-05-16 11.0….png)

Gigachud mymy being erased here


File: 1715890934554.png (104.38 KB, 1600x728, mmmm.png)

Mymy under attack.
Can't really do anything about it since the reference image isn't available.




Mymy's eyes blanked out




File: 1715987762654.png (90.8 KB, 1600x728, mb.png)

Emergency, they turned Mymy into a nigger.


>NUteens would rather turn mymy black instead of restoring their coaly




this is next to mymy. what could it mean?


File: 1715989542459.png (4.83 KB, 232x137, 12124123431542543542352345….png)


I don't recognize it from anywhere so it could be from a 'cordtroon If there the ones attacking us.


My pixels are being replaced too fast, I decided to file a bot report on the ppf discord.


Am I seriously the only placing pixels?


I think it might be 'corders, they stopped placing pixels when a pedo flag at the corner was being made.


File: 1715990283764.png (1.14 MB, 984x664, 5o7onddbmc461.png)

I gotta go asleep, Mymy better be orange and aryan again when i wake up.


why do you nigger keep making nu threads instead of just sticking to the original thread? (>>>/zellig/3967)


Can someone look into who lazlo is? or what it is


I think it might be 'cord related, 'cord has been targeting us for the past few week with falseflags and this valadalism reeks of 'cord, it has but is not limited to:
>random namefag credits
>obvious botting
>not zarty/sharty memes like the amomgus and 🅱️ meme.


its da cord boooots


Soyteens had to deal with some today tho.


anyone to help with fixing?


Good progress Zaryan's


One thing we could do when we're done fixing Mymy is build more flags and 'zellig references around her to distract griefers.
They spent a good amount of time yesterday attacking the dutch flags before attacking Mymy.


File: 1716060873233.png (245.73 KB, 794x856, Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 2….png)

imagine how mad they would get




No, we're working on Mymy and fuck off with trying to antagonize soyteens 'cordnigger.


I will start fixing the ad at the bottom.


Why the fuck are you painting the letters brown?


One of the 'cord niggers arrived, he's at Mymy's hand.


Vandalism on Mymy is starting to pick up, i think the 'cordtroons are waking up.
Make sure to keep an eye on her for a couple hours.


the thread soycattle thinks doesn't exist


nusois don't even know how to check boards other than the main one… (fitting!)


i'm positively suprised that they even know such things as boards exist


Hello zelliggers.

I am trying to get the rest of the CRF to ignore the Mymy and focus their attention to the coalie. Building that large coco would cause seethe. Why can’t we just get along?


Move to the ad when we're done with the waffle, I recommend people to stay here till 8 PM EST since the vandals were still active at that time yesterday.


There is too much conflict between teens and zaryans right now, maybe it can be built in a month or two if the drama dies down.


do the ad now, and check the rest of Mymy occasionally to see if any griefing has been done.


I'm now fixing the url.


Why are all anti zelligers such terminal serioustrannies? Acting like we'll irradiate your banner or some shit. Also very 180, from slandering us and calling for a ban to "why cant we get along?", but I guess the forced cord war died down at this point
There's only conflict between soyteens that like zellig and soyteens that can't tolerate it


Mymy is fixed, now focus on the flags around her.



they're negrifying her again


File: 1716068853741.png (88.22 KB, 1600x727, hjbhjionbk.png)



We have nothing to do with that. The CRF has all it’s hands full already


File: 1716075607765.png (31.32 KB, 523x785, Screenshot 2024-05-18 1839….png)



oh god its over


shifting gears from the coalie to this


can I get some help albeit?


File: 1716086914017.png (30.81 KB, 391x670, Screenshot 2024-05-18 2148….png)

help us take xer back




the lazloids are back albeit


you cant just say albeit


They are turning Mymy brown again.


Mymy's under attack again.


Fixing it rn, if anyone wants to join


File: 1717281861807.png (230.72 KB, 891x857, Screenshot 2024-06-01 1838….png)

mymy looks like this right now, if anyone wants to join in defedning mymy that would be cool.




It's shartycucks this time


Je maintiendrai


4s cooldown


File: 1717793208771.png (36.91 KB, 384x726, pixelplanet--1264--559.png)

I started fixing our Mymy after taking a break from pixel planet. I'll continue tomorrow, so feel free to help out a little.


File: 1717793668019.png (7.64 KB, 408x127, ClipboardImage.png)



I used one of my alt throwaway emails to make an account.


It doesn't look that bad. I will try to help.


File: 1717862523637.gif (1.2 MB, 376x400, 1717835051751.gif)


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