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Does anyone here know where that one ESL cord pedo who sent pictures of his tiny black spic dick to minors is?


is that foodzuten


Will log your IP award
Actually do NOT click


Why is this obvious IP logger still up


marge, isn't uttp just kids on yt, why do they have a forum out of sudden?


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>just kids on yt


as if I had time to follow every single pedo group in the world
what's the thing with them?


I could say "da 'cord" but essentially they're connected to a lot of various pedo groups. Generally every UTTP member is a foodist, and if you already know what the latter is I don't think I have to say anything else


It's explained way more in detail on the shitty's wiki
(The site will datamine you, beware)


the infighting is fake?


UTTP has been around since 2011 doey. so its older than most members of the zarty


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The UTTP pre-dates Foodism by nearly a decade and wasn't associated with Foodists until 2022, saying this just makes you sound like a kiwifagg0t


Old UTTP and nuUTTP are two very different things


To add to this though, that Slappy fagg0t running the forums is hated by that Anime Sucks/HBM/Scott Hart kike with a burning passion. Slappy also has connections to old-gen UTTP fagg0ts, you can see his icon in videos from a 2014 guy when he returned in 2019.

I have heard/seen some claims that Slappy was a Foodist but outside of associating with one nig named David Roland, who he's since cut off for being a Foodist, there isn't much to go on, if you ask me he seems like an idiot who didn't know what he was getting involved with, realized a bit too late and now is trying to fix his massive fuck-up.


(Late Post incoming)
I actually remember the troll police Youtube channel (oldUTTP from somewhere 2018-2021) and their theme song was very gemmy (can't find it tho).
They made videos exposing gooner faggotry on twitch and in fandoms such as the one of Undertale and the feeling was of some sort of peak doxxer mindset that predated modern sharty Operations (9/11, 'za month).
Fast forward a few years latter and I realise they became nothing more then a mask for esl pedoniggers and followers of some german faggot.
My memory could be skewed albeit.


No you're correct, but it oldUTTP started way way back, at least during the FNAF times, and then, it was actually all-encompassing trolls


>FNAF times
It's been 10 years since them
damm I'm old
>all-encompassing trolls
cool, they filled a gemmy niche on the internet and would have stayed that way had the trannies, faggots, pedophiles and kikes not hijacked their movement




UTTP started on 2011 as originally a joke channel to bait the edgy tryhard trollface avatar kids that were abundant during the days of Xbox Live trolling videos, it was really successful so more people picked up the mantle and started fucking with 4chan adjacent groups, knowyourmeme, boxxy, theamazingatheist - they also "defended" other trolls on the platform like Coppercab, Justin Quaker and Eric Douglace. Look up the TrollsNews video on the UTubeTrollPolice from 2011, it completely undermines the current kiwifagg0t narrative on what the UTTP is.

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