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IAS and sharty culture
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 No.828[View All]

Ayt we gotta start CIU
94 posts and 35 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>umm guys can you not doxx amd murder this troon pls??? I mean yeah he's uhh le troon bbbut he didndu nuffin or something…
Zoot you fucking arab gorilla I personally will send the blackiest niggers to remind this faggot that he has no spot in this fucking country


Trve, he did that.


>But the troon is heckin innocent! even doe troons reproduce by grooming and xes a ticking timebomb


I have bad news everyone, Gussy deleted his old discord account. Getting stuff on him is going to be hard and time consuming.


guess it was getting too hot


I have news everyone. Gussy deleted his old account. Getting stuff on him is going to be hard and time co


It was not Apop, I just asked him.


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What? Then who could it be?
And why did the pics in >>1003 mentioned Apop?


show da proof


I'm sorry, they are private messages and I don't feel like violating his privacy. You'll have to take my word for it, unfortunately.


Another update: Apparently, the guy that got banned for digging on Gussy is no longer active on that discord account. If someone happens to know who he is, please do tell.


When an account is banned from the server, are all the messages deleted as well? Can't we not search for the conversations on the Massadonë cord?
If we find the name of his dead account, maybe this could lead us to other mathods of contacting him.


The max amount of messages that can be deleted through vanilla banning are the messages from the last 7 days. I'm not sure if they purged their chats or not but you might be unto something here.


we need someone who can infiltrate the massadone and screenshot old messages


It's understandable that you want to keep you conversation private.
Can you atleast ask him if he has any connections to the story? Why was Apop mentioned at all?

Alright, but I will have to make a new cord, since my main was timedout on their server. Any clues from which date to look after? From the anon posts, we can have anything pre-16th of October as a time frame.


From that one screenshot, the only part that is true is that he was banned for saying "faggot".

My only clue about the date would be around the 16th of october as well, I don't have much of an idea as I am banned from the 'donie. Would a good idea to use a scrapping tool for this.


IDK how to use scapping tools DOE. I was just going to use the searchbar and look for anything that is connected with gussy.


I wish you good luck, please share details with us after you're done.


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good luck man
may you find enough information on your mission
we need someone to save this thread…


I have a sleeper in the donie 'cord. I'll do some OSINT gathering and share my results here


Ok, better then me making an alt. I may look sus.


good luck man


Any updates?


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did the expedition fail or some shit??


what makes you say that?


Guy hasnt said anything, probably couldn't find stuff that's worthwhile…you guys should try to sneak into massadonie aswell.

I may have an announcement to make soon.


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>I may have an announcement to make soon.


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Attention Zaryans. My digging has been completed.
Here's what I have found:

Gussy's previous discord account was banned on October 1, 2023 for unknown reasons.
Gussy is good friends with Redscorpion as they made a collab together.
Redscorpion is the artist who drew the 'lig porn sketches that are all over the old'ru, along with hidden rape porn that has been discovered on their baraag.
Redscorpion openly states in their posts that it is LOLI.
Redscorpion is affiliated with Benecia, a person called out before on the sharty for pedophilic and zoophilic behavior. This is known because Gussy likes Benecia's posts, which also include 'lig porn.

Zaryans, this isn't good


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Adding on to the proof that benecia is a zoophile & pedophile


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wa dey do too baba


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I want this fag doxxed and datamined more than anything since he's pretty much confirmed to be a "gooner" (which is just another way of saying you crank it to extreme shit so probably IRL 'p and zoophile shit)


Discord deletes your account 2 weeks after ban

Redscorpion has liked and shared multiple posts by Benecia, and also suggested the zellig idea to them.


I see…
So what’s the next step?


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It seems that his account was hacked
Also can’t find anything from his art archive, since he made a whole new gmail for it


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>long short story
>hacked for be a dumb
>it my new account


Holy fucking ESL
Btw for that Benecia nigger, there's an unofficial I Can't Sleep (indie youtube webseries about a emo goth girl) discord that doesn't like xim and some chud looks like trying to write up a document on Ben to get xis ass exposed on the sharty


Alright, guess we have something worthwhile now.
Just a heads up, DO NOT share this information on open/public 'cords that are related to 'zellig.


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Hey that's my AI upscaled cob, I salute you chuddy


a gem that is worth posting


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Chudding it up!


How old is this screenshot


So, going back to massadonie related affairs, it seems that Foenkie has been trying to deter people from joining the discord server. He removed the link from the wiki recently and security has been banning new joins left and right, something's got to give


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they are starting to notice that people are looking around. They are starting to delete info.


Are they really trying to hide all this so bad?


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Yeah, he even made it so that only admins can edit pages (that's what I am getting from the latest changes).
IDK what is going on, but everytime it just keeps looking weirder and weirder.
The KGB is hiding something.
If anybody was/is an oldfag on Massadonë or knows of one, please share info about the situation about Gussy.


Foenkie will be streaming soon. Should we CIU?


spam "soyzellig.party won" in xher chat


does the stream have a date?
which our does it start?

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