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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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nuzelligslvttas can't bump, can't upzellig, can't bumozellig.
every day the /qa/ catalog is filled more with my little tranny, digital goyslop, zoophilia, and whatever the incest sex game is called.
What's more, is they are all hostile and advocate for the total cleansing of nuzelligcacas from the board. every single one.
but… nobody other than a shadowmario impersonator puritan is up to the task of bumping.
One day, your ineptitude will pay when the board gains enough traction and becomes yet another uninspired nu/soy/ where coal is gem and mods are gods.
ROOT called you sharty /qa/ culture, use that title or lose it.
<What nu'ligpoopas are too scared to do


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Trvke, I'm not an impersonator albeit.


><What nu'ligpoopas are too scared to do
Nobody is scared to bump threads. It's just that issa boring when it's just "bumozellig".
Bump it with selfmade OC, niggers.


TSMT. I understand the catty wars are a part of the kultur and all that but it's a legitimate reason for some 'teens to dislike zellig. It's probably why there is so few people in the middle, most are either zelligers or hate zellig, making it hard to get newKING zelligARYANS. We should tone it down with the nothing-burger threads/bumps or something along those lines. Bump only good threads with good content/jokes
>inb4 frog op accusations
>post looks automated


marge is this IAZ or NAZ


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It's a valid reason, but nobody cares if we speed up or slow down with the catty wars after more than 20 minutes. Some nigger complained about a bot being responsible for bumping threads in response to an attempted cattywipe. But, they dont care about the 1488 clitty the frog spam threads asking you if you drank water today, it's an excuse to further their factions against zellig. They pretend necrobumping is the only reason and then when you stop they spit on your face and wish you death. They literally cheer when a thread 404s. All the oldniggers on /qa/ who dont post zellig hate it. newniggers or the like just want to force their coal or bait specifically so they dont care either.
Its all two faced. Dont consider them innocent or neutral because they aren't.


Bumps can have content other than "upzellig" to them
Show us your soybooru account page


nigga it's down


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>zrannies actually think a single thread about the incest game is a threat to their hundreds of necobumped garbage
You guys are such a headache for this board

>they even think the hatred against them is not justified because people aren't as hostile to necrobumped frogs as to 'zellig
People were SHITTING on frogs a month ago because of their hostility you retard, the only reason you don't see people complaining about frogs on /qa/ is 'zellig being top of the catalog every time you check the board. And FYI, people were starting to shit on frogs for greening up the /qa/ 'log too but I doubt you gave a shit about what was going on in the site at all.
>asking you if you drank water today
<Chuds how do you like your tea?
>They literally cheer when a thread 404s
>the thread in question being a r9k blogpost with half of the replies consisting of noahmusic2009's necrobumps
Gee, I wonder why

You guys should thank root for not giving a single shit about /qa/, because if he did then %90 of the ongezellig threads would be purged because of how brimmy they are.

>inb4 "muh TCOAAL is forced"

Just like ongezellig?


forced incest troonslop
reasonable points doebeit



>>inb4 "muh TCOAAL is forced"

>Just like ongezellig?
'lig is gemmy sharty culture DOE


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Heyyy 1000th /qa/ post
Id like to thank Outer Gem and may it prosper


Outer Zaryia???


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>Heyyy 1000th /qa/ post
>Id like to thank Outer Gem and may it prosper

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