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+=Christianity General #1: Empty Tomb Edition=+
All denominations are welcome here. Theological discussion/debate is allowed and encouraged, but please do so in a spirit of charity; we're all brothers in Christ here.


Why do some people believe in evolution & christianity at the same time?
evolution is a faith (i say faith because you cant see macro evolution empirically at all so it requires faith to believe) which worships death, as the death of weaker animals and people is progression to a species
That doesnt sound like God i worship


Fellow creationistGOD
Yeah I think they either wanna appeal to evolutionfags who still believe Darwin's lies, or have been brainwashed to only believe in his words as trvth


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Enter J


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new 'toss


they cannot be combined tho.
the darwinists have the presumption that for some reason the universe is gorillions of years old. Christians look at the world through the bible and the church.
There also theological problems with the synthesis. Was there death before the fall of Adam? If so, then death is perfect and good. Then why is it viewed so negativly through out the old and new testiment? Why is God going to remove death afther the second comming?


Did you even read it? Evolution isn't mentioned once.


Evolution is simply incompatible with Christianity. Evolution requires death to progress and we know the world before the fall was perfect and devoid of death. You literally cannot combine the two without practically making a new religion


I know a lot of people whose main hangups about faith are because of these sorts of side issues. The Bible says not to place stumbling blocks in peoples' paths, and this issue is a stumbling block to a lot of people. Don't be like the people in Paul's time who claimed you needed to be circumcised to be saved; if the total accuracy of our cosmological beliefs were a requirement for salvation, I doubt any of us would be saved. If someone begins to teach blatantly false, gospel-contradicting doctrine they claim to derive from their synthesis of evolutionary theory and Christianity, you can and should object to this.
Also, you certainly don't need to believe in a 6,000 year-old Earth to be a Christian, or even a creationist. The billions-of-years-old estimate of the age of the universe has little to do with evolution and more to do with physics.


from what i got, it meantions the millions of years stuff


True, but such a big error is prone to effect negatively one's outlook on everything, including faith.
Besides, I believe we have a duty to stick up for truth regardless, that includes pushing back against evolution, especially within the faith!


That's not dependent on evolution albeit.


You're prizing your own self-perceived correctness above God's desire that more should come to know Him. Someone can be a flat earther and be saved, believe in the Loch Ness Monster and be saved, or believe that the moon really is made of cheese and still be saved. God doesn't expect any of us to be omniscient, that's His job.
I don't buy the whole Darwinian story kit and caboodle, but the idea that physical death, not just of humans but of *animals*, only occurred after the fall is not said in the Bible. It's pretty clear to me that God's warning before and curse after Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit applied to man specifically. After all, how would they even know what "die" meant when God warned them?


Actually, it is connected. The long periods of time are used for the excuse that given enough time, you can gete a man from fish.
The methods that are used to detirmen how old is the universe, how old are fossils ect. are unreliable and requier a lot of presumptions. The whole process relise on the paradigma of the darwinists.


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If death only applied to humans (which I deny but that's neither here nor there) that still makes evolution of humans an impossibility.
I see this as akin to dealing with heresy. The church should make truth clear especially if it is relevant to the doctrine of the church (such as origin of man). Shape of the earth is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things especially when compared to the creation of humanity.
Evolution was specifically made and currently used to combat Christianity. It is a lie of the devil. We should not embrace or even tolerate lies but combat them with truth. There is no use dulling and watering down our beliefs just to draw in more people.


The 13.82 billion year estimate of the universe's age has nothing to do with evolution, it was arrived at by calculating the expansion rate of the universe. This isn't like radiocarbon dating or something where there's many potential variables at play, it's basic math.


It's a prerequisite to the theory of evolution. And it's gay, earth is 10k years old


>It's a prerequisite to the theory of evolution.
So? "Matter exists" is also a prerequisite to the theory of evolution, that doesn't mean it isn't true.
>And it's gay
Not an argument.
>earth is 10k years old
Where are you getting 10,000? I've only ever heard 6,000 before.


>So? "Matter exists" is also a prerequisite to the theory of evolution, that doesn't mean it isn't true.
Matter is self evident albeit. Gorillions of years are required for evolution specifically and nothing else.
>Not an argument.
>Where are you getting 10,000?
Rounding up


>If death only applied to humans (which I deny but that's neither here nor there) that still makes evolution of humans an impossibility.
And? I believe God made man separately from the animals in His own image. I also think it's possible to be a faithful Christian and believe Adam and Eve were uplifted apes set apart by God, even though I'd disagree. Saint Paul instructs us not to let trivial matters divide brothers, and the exact manner in which mankind was created seems exactly that: literally trivial, as in, a matter of trivia.
>Evolution was specifically made […] to combat Christianity.
Was it? It absolutely has been used that way, but do you have any actual evidence Darwin specifically crafted his theory to "combat Christianity"? You're mixing up intentions and effects again, like with the age of the universe thing. The adversary will use all available to him to obstruct God's will, even theories crafted without such intentions. Do you know what is in man? Can you read the secrets written on his heart? If you have evidence I'd be happy to hear it.
>We should not embrace or even tolerate lies but combat them with truth. There is no use dulling and watering down our beliefs just to draw in more people.
And you know your interpretation to be true, of course. Were you there when God formed the Earth? Did you see when He stretched out the heavens? Surely you have, since you're so certain. Did you watch from the sidelines as He brought forth the beasts of the earth? Did you cheer as He brought forth plants? Surely you must have, if you're so sure of your position that you would drive brothers away over it.


We aren't discussing a theoretical faithful Christian and what errors he could theoretically be in while still staying within the borders of "faithful". I am sure there are many people you would consider faithful Christians that believe in all kinds of theological errors and heresies, this is why its paramount for us to combat falsehoods. Lies come from the devil, God doesn't sow confusion. If you think genesis of man is trivial I don't know what to tell you.

Darwin was an atheist that made a godless model of genesis, I struggle to see how you would describe this to be anything other than inspired by the devil himself. Not to inquire on how one can expect a godless man to accurately describe the coming of the crown of God's creation in the first place. If evolution wasn't a weapon against Christianity it wouldn't be used as one so persistently, it would instead resemble the flat earth debate. Being tangential and actually trivial. His theory didn't conclude with him but has been expanded on almost entirely by people opposed to God. Evolution is a key component of the secular world to alienate people from God. If evolution was true there would be no friction between it and Christianity, the fact that they even need to be reconciled is proof enough of it's falsity.

The Bible is rather clear on how creation took place. Adam was made from dust and eve from his rib. Unless you are willing to handwave these as purely poetic with no basis in reality, I think it's pretty clear they were not apes. You make this more complicated than it needs to be, you're fighting up stream and that alone shows the theory of evolution is ad odds with Christianity.


It's trivial *enough* that it shouldn't be made a stumbling block to brothers weaker in their faith. That's my point. I could 100% agree with you that the earth is only a few thousand years old, etc., and I'd still believe this.


How come their faith in evolution isn't the weak one in this equation? If you believe it is not productive to fight the lies of evolution theory you don't have to but I will maintain my position that the theory of evolution is of the devil, as are all other lies.


If that's the white whale you want to chase, go for it I guess.

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