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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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hibachi soy sauce wrapped in a concussion bunion for creamy consumption under the assumption that they did not poison the water and contaminate the food supply with and or of the china virus from kentucky
the virus from kentucky originated in virginia but don't tell anyone I said anything because it's not like you would anyway given that it's like area 51 in the way people communicate about shit like this other than that you're probably wondering why they call the virus from china the china virus albeit from kentucky well that's a good story because they wanted to blame it on the chinese despite the fact that kentucky and virginia and chicken are all behind the curtain of absence why do you think they ceased manufacturing back in 2021 as it wasn't a coincidence as it was an intentional power move in order to raise the state capital by a marginal measly 0.000000%1 but bitch mcconnell says otherwise cause he's a fuckhead cuck who's gonna die in two years from old age fuck the politicians of the united states that is my message goodbye


If you start leaking fluid from your ears call the doctors immediately, if you start feeling needles in your feet and irrational thoughts in your head you might have had too many candies and sweeties from the day of halloween which is tomorrow but in hindsight was yesterday
if you can recall the letter B then press 2 chord 4 before five and alt control out of the space before connection failure be sure to contact the local technician who happens to be indian
your lucky chance your lucky chance it's your lucky chance to not say anything at all use your words not your brain albeit you use your brain to use your words but make it make sense and not make sense but make it make sense first before you devolve communicative failure


my preference is albanian


vera is this babybot


Running through my head

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