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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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What do Zaryans think of TCOAAL?


They look like the doomer wojaks.


fotm carbon but the absurd hyperborea incest edits made it a solid iron


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>literal COAAL in the abbreviation


''It's brimestone.


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Crusader Kings was the better game about incest or samthing


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aryan zem


psyop forged in the deepest pits of niggerhell by lucifer himself




fuck off lucifer


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fuck off inbreds


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worth it if only for the mom character


they really made her go through way more than she should've.
i don't care that she sold her kids to an organ trafficker or something


she just looks like the tired version of her daughter
Why are you vera retards so thirsty for tired/depressed wenches?


i just think they're neat
also of course she fucking does she literally gave birth to her are you stupid are you fucking retarded


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>mother and daughter always look like identical twins, even with the age gap


ok well CHUD it's the artstyle CHUDDY they have literally zero distinguishable features because they're simpletrooned to death so autists can figure out the emotions on display


Compelling reasoning, however you want to fuck old hags so I am right by default


what's wrong with that
also she's only 37! 37 is young!


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>what's wrong with that
>also she's only 37! 37 is young!


How is 37 young?????


lob porn addiction accusations all you want, but if you say some shit like "URMMMM AKSHUALLY XHE IS TOO OLD TO BREED LE ARYAN CHILDREN" after this, you are no better than the oversexual goyim you seek to ridicule.
both porn addiction and the "crusade" against it are a jewish game, meant to distract us from the real problems that plague society (the "crusade", making us engage in tribalism, forgetting that both we and the enemy we fight are pawns in a great game meant to divide us and further destroy our trust in anything but authority), and to kill off the genelines of the disfigured, autistic, and undesirable (porn addiction itself, which promotes hedonism and discourages actual romance, which in turn makes stable, long-termrelationships barely possible, thus disallowing the gooning autist from baring offspring).


>Both x and the oposition to x are meant to distract us, therefore I am right
Nigger, stfu. You are not smart by saying that if there are two oppositions then a third/middle opinion must be true.
Porn is bad for us and society and should be removed. It's anti-God and is a jewish psyop.
Tribalism? What, do we now have national/tribal identities based on whetheryou jerk off or not? Get a hold of yourself.


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>lob porn addiction accusations all you want, but if you say some shit like "URMMMM AKSHUALLY XHE IS TOO OLD TO BREED LE ARYAN CHILDREN" after this, you are no better than the oversexual goyim you seek to ridicule.
>both porn addiction and the "crusade" against it are a jewish game, meant to distract us from the real problems that plague society (the "crusade", making us engage in tribalism, forgetting that both we and the enemy we fight are pawns in a great game meant to divide us and further destroy our trust in anything but authority), and to kill off the genelines of the disfigured, autistic, and undesirable (porn addiction itself, which promotes hedonism and discourages actual romance, which in turn makes stable, long-termrelationships barely possible, thus disallowing the gooning autist from baring offspring).
<Yes goy, ridiculing and fighting against porn is bad
What even is your argument? porn good because da autists wont have children? fighting porn bad because it makes tribalism? guess we better not fight against liberalism or homosexuality either!
Zoot, please execute this guy for idiocy beyond belief


first go for the real problem, attacking their eugenics sector won't do much. the conspiracy runs deeper than just the porn industry and other faucets of hedonism. you overfocus on one industry, believing it to be the end-all-be-all zionist plot.
if we are truly to end hedonism we must first end it's source before attacking it, else it comes back, twofold stronger like a hydra.
it is utterly futile to attack something if it can just be replenished immediately.




i think i was off my meds when i wrote these. marge.


Eugenics sector? What are you talking about? pornography is a weapon of jews to generate them profits and to crush our souls. It's evil, it's not some eugenics program, that at most is a side effect. Of course I know jews arent just behind the porn industry, but that doesn't mean spreading awareness of negative effects of pornography and "crusading" against it is pointless. It's probably the best we can do to fight the zog machine, strike at their opioid dispensers. You can't fight the banks, media, child sacrifice cabal and whatever else.
I mean what are you even talking about, I just can't see what your angle is
>it is utterly futile to attack something if it can just be replenished immediately.
What does this fucking mean? we aren't going to blow up their datacenters and servers. We said porn bad and you chimed in to say
>erm well acktually it's just one head of the zog hydra and being anti porn is just as bad as porn itself so its futile to fight it
Like seriously, whats wrong with you, did you just wander in from stupid town?


i think i was off of something i don't remember man
i will admit, the commodification of our thoughts and minds by the porn industry is a massive problem

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