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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1698519926825.png (19.75 KB, 92x81, lol.PNG)


zoot make /mlp/


File: 1698520246472.png (164.79 KB, 426x364, ClipboardImage.png)

PonyFags, this is OUR land. You are second class citizens.


>implying they have citizenship in the first place


Hell no, ponyfags serve zero purpose and thier lives are nothing.


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mainstream toddler show popular with oldtroons for zoophilia pornography


Mario M-ACK will never stop coaling up da log……..


He's the resident coaler of every board and or website he frequents


File: 1698653246291.png (458.68 KB, 775x1500, truth nuke.png)


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