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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1698025397179.jpg (64.01 KB, 620x349, 1687118089904.jpg)


Any experienced zaryans know how to properly doxx? Im gonna put down the time to finally learn it. I've always been apart of raids but never the doxxing ones. I want to change that.
Also I could finally do a few projects on my own, which is a goal of mine.
Everyone's probably seen the 1 minute slideshow video about 0sint, but i want to know a bit more. There's no keywords on the sharty that I can search up as of now that relates to doxxing info on any board (I believe)


File: 1698026385567.webm (1.62 MB, 1024x576, doxin for dummies .webm)

there was this teen that posted this video once. IDK if it's going to be usefull, I think that some (if not most) of the links are dead.

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