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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1719695598448-0.png (43.91 KB, 170x255, chuddymoko.png)

File: 1719695598448-1.txt (622 B, a-browsing-music.txt)


I've programmed a userscript that bring the old browsing music back for the /a/ board on the Soyjak Party. You may use it by installing it into a userscript manager, such as TamperMonkey or ViolentMonkey. Please do not call me a glowie. Do not audit the script; There is nothing to investigate. The program is not malicious.
Please mirror this post on the /a/ board of the Soyjak Party; I cannot post there, for I use firefox.
>>Tomoko never said this.


>In before I receive an award for speaking English as a second language because I typed "bring" in stead of "brings".


bozo tranime malarkey from ohio no one cares about


Some sort of malware probably, nice try shartycuck

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