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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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For anyone unaware, the sharty has a literal 'cord HQ made to datamine the shit out of you.
Proof in the link


File: 1719525053309.png (30.92 KB, 999x170, 1719524414617w.png)

i hope that taiwanese faggot nudev ends up in a chinese factory liveleak video


TLDR? How did it get leaked?


I didn't follow the entirety of it, but I'd say rogue janny, I saw screenies of a pinned thread on either soy or q with all the links. Also don't click unless you've got a VPN and spec masking software, they WILL datamine you


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rogue mod


Here's their IDs of zoiets

>Froot | User: frootsoy UserID: 1181323454205673513 | owner of sharty, duh

>ROOT [ADMIN] | User: trunk.roots.or.something UserID: 1231345958202376303 | Was NuAdmin / Molchat and basically any other mod who namefagged on the sharty
>Ronald (Nudev) [DEVELOPER] | User: 0fi3w4gt03 UserID: 1203201914427416617 | taiwanese glownigger thats obsessed with datamining soyteens, made babybot
>Quote / Mud [MANAGER] | User: pear_42314 UserID: 1153824486378971136 | Runs marge.moe, runs ronald's babybot on the shemmy and other imageboards
>Stephen / Koot [MOD] | User: kootykins UserID: 1177027484483596372 | Pole who is obsessed with pony porn and makes the sexy mares threads on the jarty and such, made /mare/ on jarty
>JartyKING [MOD] | User: tweezy1 UserID: 785966396730376244 | reposts shit from soycords
>Sood [MOD] | User: your_bey UserID: 865295463975223396 | weeb
>Soy Sneed [MOD] | User: soysneed UserID: 1178910245733548104
>lidus [MOD] | User: solidus95i2515_74517 UserID: 1179011059231760456
>trebby (she/her) [MOD] | User: frog_from_ohio UserID: 1188875853329879141
>WARDEN [??? green role color] User: wider.than.the.sky UserID: 1218067979758075924
>dubs [MOD] | User: chuddubs UserID: 1149425016874733679
>Noot [MOD] | User: punishedelmister UserID: 642329538394587169
>schoppenboer [JANNY] | User: schoppenboer UserID: 693184820515307651


Archive whatever you can because I need to sleep and can't read now


It's mostly on the shemmy (and the jarty but that site actually sucks), anyways you're going to hear about this for days on end, and anyone with 3 braincells left WILL NOT browse the sharty anymore


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More proof or whatever


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And Root was NEVER /ourguy/


Xhe seems more pissed over baba mymy being a shemmyfag avatartroon more than clitty leaking over the orange girl cartoon.


There is more to it, I simply repost what I find most important, anyways don't trust a word coming out of Froot, Root or Doll's mouths. Also Dool is still into the whole thing, so another reason to NOT trust them


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Reposting without le frog

This is just bad optics for everyone


i don’t think you’d get banned for that, people have posted images that happen to have frogs in them before
such as >>1923


I don't want to run any risk, this shit it too entertaining to get fucked over by a random janny, gotta keep this pseudo archive going


there are literally frogs in OP’s image


I didn't even notice them geg, I am OP btw


you don’t have anything to worry about, you can post images with frogs so long as you aren’t glorifying them, i’ve seen this many times
even if a janny (most likely an inexperienced one) does ban you, there’s no way the mods wouldn’t accept an appeal


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Dude I wasn't even posting on the sharty on the 22-23 what a retard, he's banning innocent people who posting mymy thinking they're me. I only really browse here now and I don't even avatarfag


I should say that I don't post on the sharty at all* worded it poorly, i can't post on there even if i wanted to because I use mullvad 24/7


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Tranny jannies mindbroken by baba mymy albeit


He was also posing as nudev, aka the retard with the 5 boards plan, and guess what he also posted?
The no zellig spam on /qa/, NEVER /ourguy/


*nuadmin not nudev


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Drama infighting award 🏆


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