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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1719262107193-0.png (553.79 KB, 576x621, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1719262107193-1.png (91.15 KB, 1059x929, ClipboardImage.png)


Is there any blond with at least green or C40 eyes? I think everyone on this site is a t50 black haired shitskins


with proofs if you blond at leastwith green or C40 eyed


stop nametrooning and stop caring about unimportant issues


File: 1719262459199.png (26.06 KB, 644x800, 1221 - SoyBooru.png)

t50 black haired shitskin typed this btw


File: 1719262646290.png (392.43 KB, 831x1024, 40229 - SoyBooru.png)

Yes, I am t50 black haired shitskin literally like my idol Gigachudjak


File: 1719262735265.gif (6.56 KB, 205x255, 1719262459199.gif)

chud is not shitskin so fail, pajeet


File: 1719262870131.png (6.85 KB, 177x217, 1710484824353.png)


two of the same pictures and already "posted it again award"?


Golden blond A40


Majority of people in the zellig community are esl so aryans are going to be rare




File: 1719264128644.jpg (32.58 KB, 602x448, IMG_20240624_182704_299.jpg)



Hitler was T50 black haired
seethe more pisshair watereyes


he had blue eyes with dark hair that kind of looks blond sometimes albeit


Insecure T30 typed this btw

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