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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1718799327547.png (20.03 KB, 600x800, Cocoplier.png)


What's the longest time you took making a shitpost? I'd probably say a month or something


'bout a week


I usually procastinate a lot while making them, but I think no longer than 3 days


5 hours starIght irl so i can timestamp it on the sharty
but the longest one i did on my phone took like 3 weeks




File: 1718824376838.png (17.78 KB, 218x255, 8369F577-39C0-4AA6-9425-07….png)

I have never made a shitpost or high quality OC I’m only here to find some gemmy bait strategies

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