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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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do you guys shower? if you do how often? if you don't go kys nigger


i bathe daily but i want a shower


Kill all yurifags


i shower every 2/1 day with water only and i avoid hair products because they are zogged and make you bald or something


everyday in the morning at 7:00 because i like the feeling


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stinkcels won, keep coping batheslave.


tsmt. imagine how nice maya's armpits smell. imagine all the times she pulled an all nighter, using the same sweater, not wanting to change her shirt….nghh……(Dont sexualise the 'zellig sisters please as theyre minors)


once every 1-2 half weeks
i dont do anything and im unemployed (this justifies my awful schedule of showering)


Uh oh that guy pulled up again


these temptations must stop


Somebody needs to put you out of your misery pronto


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File: 1718883432190.mp3 (18.61 KB, real-foghorn (1).mp3)

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