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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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I feel like we've struck a much needed balance in our home at sharty's /qa/

>More effortposts

>Frogs are actually starting to be friendly
>0 negrobvmps (thanks molcuck)
>/qa/ isn't a constant warzone

It feels generally more comfy, what's your thoughts on this


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It feels so calm now… the fnf spam was annoying as fuck


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I like it, there are actual posts for once.


Unironically saved /qa/


Tsmt, even doe there are some strugglers left (barinigger, homestarfag and at least another samefag that is obsessed with replying to every zellig thread) and the Mendozans, which read like some bad larp already. Overall it's way better


i like the improved pph
but i still hate the culture where people will completely ignore the contents of your post and will just comment about the image you put
>kys zelligger!!!!!!!!!


obsessed faggots will obsess, not like they had anything of value to add anyway

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