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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1717690718401.png (13.9 KB, 600x800, neutralplier irritated 2.png)


>Also, I don't know how hard I'm going to enforce these, but if you make a fuss about it and say "seething coping coaljak can't handle the 'eens of 'lig baking epic muffinzords of doom with a waffle Llama [slur] [slur] [slur]", then you're BLOCKED from the channel, you're BLOCKED from the subreddit (i wish), you're BLOCKED from the news article… it's that simple, really
<reddit space
<youtube space
>So that means:
>No more "TND", no more "yuo", no more "spine tingling", no more "bone chilling", unfortunately no more "gems" of any kind (sorry, cortex), no more "⚡", no more "ZWABAG", no more "OMGSISA", no more "KINO", no more "built for ___", no more "coal", no more "kek" (if that's still a thing), no more "xe/xe/xem" (i don't even know why that's a thing but I know that it's related so stop it), AND ABSOLUTELY, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL THERE BE ANY "BWC/BBC/BZC/etc."


I have yet to see one interesting irritatedplier post


what is the context of this


File: 1717693126707.jpg (12.14 KB, 187x194, IMG_20240412_084755_317.jpg)

Why Andy is acting like a LITERAL NAZI that's banning speech freedom huh?



>>4900 this kid is the reincarnation of fucking fidel castro


literal who


File: 1717700083382.png (200.04 KB, 1106x1012, nooo.png)

>I personally don’t mind most of the gem/coal stuff, but the B_C and T_D stuff is a bit annoying. As well as anything supporting the losers of WWII.




>>4904 what does marge mean i'm new to imageboards and i've seen it everywhere


Nobody tell xher


its a term to indicate confusion, its equivalent to typing a question mark by itself
why not?


>>4907 thanks, i expected to be jumped by the entire zarty for that question lmao


I think searching it up yourself and eventually failing until you understand it on your own is far more rewarding and useful for the creation of new 'teens/zaryans


File: 1717717534485.webm (82.85 KB, 640x480, marge im confused.webm)

>>>4904 what does marge mean i'm new to imageboards and i've seen it everywhere



trvke albeit
xhey need to lurk moar or however the oldfag is larped


Roos_Troon trying xher hardest to not say anything controversial is probably the best thing out of that post


File: 1717875294836.png (82.54 KB, 590x800, 62369 - SoyBooru.png)



yuo has nothing to do with to do with soyjaks or the sharty or soyzellig? maybe it does but i see no relation


File: 1718707519770.png (339.39 KB, 821x622, albeit.png)

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