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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1697835204670.jpeg (374.46 KB, 1536x2048, 1697426652484.jpeg)


Do you guys prefer Burger King or McDonalds?


Both are shit, but if I had to choose one It’d be burger king


both are goyslop, i prefer cooking myself, but burger king food looks a little better and doesnt taste like greasy slop.


None, I prefer food, not goyslop.
If i have to chose, than I will pick hasburger, since it's cheap. Fuck MCdonalds and fuck Burger King.


I pitty mutts, here in Serbia most fast food places are local non-goyslop


goyslop is an anti-semitic dogwhistle. ZOOT!! ban this chud NOOOOOW!!!!!


File: 1697840627686.png (477.77 KB, 814x741, c50 (1).png)

Dear Zaryan,


God bless


whats the saying? mods = ARYANS or something?


burger king is pretty good
idk why it has such a bad reputation, maybe its just really bad in muttmerica


mcdonalds for sure. anyone who prefers burger king is is satan

you are satan
you are satan

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