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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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Personally I am not a fan, actually I really fucking hate what they've done.


So, how many months till Doll steps down in infamy?


Made /soy/ interesting for once, what a shitshow lmao


If by interesting you mean posting 'p and shitlita, then sure


haven't seen any 'p albeit, just a general shitfest


there was 'p spammed a few hours ago on /soy/ and it stayed up for at least half an hour


nujanjans…. what the fuck


Sharty is sadly falling. I used to love /pol/ but half of the posters on /pol/ are just jewish feds now


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Read this thread. Newtroons don't even try to fit in anymore.


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>Actual redditors on the sharty

Nusoicacas WHAT IS THIS


One of the best threads on /soy/ simply because of how absurdly funny it is.
If this is the new soyteen then the sharty is dead


They aren't soyteens almost by definition. The purpose of soyjaks is to make fun of people one doesn't like. If new "soyteens" must be isolated from things that make their clitties leak by rules, then they lost their abilities to mock people. Sharty lost its purpose then and can now be closed.


HOLY trvthnvke I miss old /pol/ so much in unreal it's literally the first board I posted


at approximately 10 am utc some nigger (probably from the affy) started spamming ‘p (actual ‘p no embeds or anything like that) on /soy/ and then later /pol/ it stayed up for like 45 minutes until janny returned from gooning to soyTRAN and permad but then they came back like an hour ago but janny quickly nuked

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