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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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Why (((they))) are so obsessed on our site? I really can't understand why Mossad spends so much efforts to denigrate Coco…


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>obsessed esl moroccan swarthoid fnf muzzie vantablack shitskin samefagging j@rtynigger discordpedo shemmycuck shitoko clecky j0el fpelee gapejack spammer ip


there are three main zellig girls, coco , maya and mymy. if you had to choose one out of these three, (i'm not saying they are built for BBC or anything, it's just a hypothetical question) which one do you think has the highest possibility to like black men? the answer is clear, i'm just saying. just hypothetically speaking though


Maya, I think it's maya.
Think of Coco, she doesn't think about sex nor romantic relationships, even if she did I doubt she would be compatible with Migrants since the light headedness would turn most away.
Think of Mymy, this one is self explanatory- She loves the netherlands and the nationalistic tendencies she shows means that she would exclusively date Dutch people.
Maya on the other hand is a hentai gooner addict who cares most about dick, she's probably stooped upon blacked porn and she might be craving the bbc.
This is just my observation and theory


buh buh buh buh buh coco normie south africa bibisi or something o algo doe… fauci if you can hear me please help me fauci…


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notice how there’s three black men


i was today years old when i learned maya was built for BBC


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not the first time maya streamed…


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>Just scientific hypothesis, not overmore. Don't you trust our science, chud?

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