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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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>you are a pedophile and you supported "map rights" on /int/ in february before shilling afterparty on the sharty and leaking your own ip to someone you thought was a mod on /q/
>fuck off before we dox you, we already know your name is eduard boscut, that you live in covanas romania and that you endorsed pedophilia. if you keep on spamming your shit everywhere, you will probably be doxed



Holy Fucking Margestone


the state of the sharty is so bad you can't reliably tell if it's being raided right now or not


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>hes an autistic retard who can't read the room if his life depended on it, hence why he keeps embarrassing himself every step of the way
>he's obsessed with some even bigger autist drama and nobody likes him for bringing it here
>pic related, his room




shemmycuck cordpedo drama

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