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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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why does school have to fucking exist


it exists to teach you information about a range of topics directors deem essential and to get you use to doing nothing for 8 hours a day


Exactly, but don't whine about it, immediately start thinking about how you can take advantage of things and make the best of the ones you can't. Don't react with complaining, react by at least acting like you're playing 4D chess. When you can do that, life gets so much better.


hey man when are you coming back, you should just stop avatarfagging but theres still cytubes you can join in. shemmy misses you


i know theres still cytubes i dont check shemmy as much doe


Because without suffering life isn't complete


there was a cytube i fucking missed… its over


why should life be complete however
suffering is bad


i got my ged and went to college early (16), and it was the best decision i ever made

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