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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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Guys i took a hate values test and uhh what does this mean?


that you got datamined for free


Overall pretty based but you should hate pedos more


thats le bad because?


Why the hell do I have to explain why pedophilia is bad? Go bsck to 4cuck


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gemmy question


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>not pedophobic enough
>not transphobic enough
>tolerant high
>"59% femboy-philic"
>"60% weeaboo"
>"86% hates animals"
Yeah you need a skinhead to stomp your teeth into the curb right now, faggot.


kys shitskin


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Zoot remove all neurotypicals from the world NOW NOW NOOOOOOOOOW
>Your request is automaticed


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should i be more red pilled


looks like a normie, the pedophilic should be higher doey


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>Your request looks automated; Post discarded.
>The server took too long to submit your post.


like clockwork


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Rope pedofaggot


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>bro… you dont believe that animals deserve the same rights as humans? thats so messed up mane… whats next? you want to eat meat? youre LITERALLY hitler if you do
>you think bathrooms shouldnt be segregated based on age? you dont think pedophilia is the BIGGEST problem in our world? you think pederasty is le bad? LITERALLY KILL YOURSELF CNN told me those are LE BAD and youre DISGUSTING for thinking for yourself


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be less homophobic, chudcel


bathrooms should be segregated by age we should have one for 80 year olds i dont like them


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i am correct and very intelligent or something


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>against trannies
>is into femboys


trannys want to cut off their dicks and larp as women
femboys want to wear girl clothes
very different


both are crossdressing men
plus like only 5% of trannies cut their dick off


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Am I based?


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Why I am the most keyed person here?


yikes you're all homophobic


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>yikes you're all homophobic


dilate now. YOU need a skinhead to stomp your teeth into the curb


what the fuck is wrong with you nigga


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This thread seems to be a fitting place for this 'toss


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is this normal?




Tranny pedo groomer reference


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>100% pedophile
>93% anti-femboy
These numbers aren't adding up


according to the Talmud, femboys aren't kosher, but girls under three are. (not making this up, read Ketubot 11b:6) your goyim brain just cannot comprehend the wisdom of the Talmud.


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>according to the Talmud, femboys aren't kosher, but girls under three are. (not making this up, read Ketubot 11b:6) your goyim brain just cannot comprehend the wisdom of the Talmud.


the talmud also claims that there are 6 genders you bigoted chudcel (also talmud more like talmid)


The talud is a compilation of discussion between different rabbis and jewish teachers, it helps define jewish laws and tradition, but its not a book to be worshiped or is mandatory to 100% take seriously or follow to be a jew

this is why all "But the talmud said!!" arguements are stupid, most jews dont read it, they read the torah


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>But mozt jooz..
Yeah, Most Jews (I mean all), that aren't even descendants of Israel kek.

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