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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1715867252120.png (133.26 KB, 802x660, fnfpedo.png)


i made fnf mods AMA


what mods


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i makes this one


are you an esl pedo


fnf like having fun


Are you a pedo?
Are you brown?
Are you ESL?


where is your arrow nigger


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i am esl but not pedo or nigger, i guess that makes me an fnfcracker


what do you think about the jarty
what do you think about discord
are you obsessed


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i did not care for the jarty, no point
discord is ok i guess, everyone uses it even doe they deny it thoughie
i will be obsessed with ongezellig until it dies, its my favorite thing ever and the fanbase is sane


how many fnf pedos exist? is it just one?


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i know 1 other one and theres some offsiters that like zelig, however this is snca that you will NOT investigate


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my friends and i have been hating on fnf ever since it came out, the players and modders were always faggots, idk why it took people so long to realise this


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Did you have a early introduction to porn?
What you birth gender and current gender?
What you think about early nazism introduction and other extremist ideologies?


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>>4677 (im running outta fnfpedo images)
yes even before fnf, idk what caused it but i found a porn site on accident when i was 12, the addiction got bad but im clean now cause of zellig
its le based but kids doing it is cringe and le bad or something


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i only interact with the autist side of the community, i dont interact with troons or faggots or coomers


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Do you make music?


yes but im not good at it, fnf music isnt real music, i just need some good tutorials
i could maybe share something when i get home


fnf music is real music, just like how rap is real music
both suck but theyre music


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>fnf music isnt real music
Trvthnvke albiet


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yea but listening to fnf music is socially unacceptable, only hyperautists do it


Still music or however the aueaiaieiaiai is eaeuieueieooeeiiaued

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