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IAS and sharty culture
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There's literally nothing I can think of that's more cringe than some genetic dead end socially outcasted low status loser trying to "self improve" to fit into society. It's like they're so far off the mark I don't even know where to begin with them.
The average person, and even the above average, just exist and the things that you consider "normal"
just happen to them. No high schooler ever had to "self improve" to get a girlfriend, he just existed, thought it would be cool and fun to play sports, and a girl was attracted to him and they gravitated towards each other. There's no thought out into any of this, these things just happened through the natural flow of life, no "self improvement" necessary. That's what happens when you're not a genetic dead end mentally ill freak, you don't ever find yourself one night lying in bed alone wondering why you don't have a single friend or you've never kissed a girl at 23 years old. You don't devise a plan to stop touching your cock for six months in order to look a girl in the eye. You just exist, you go with the societal flow, and you end up with a wife, a nice job, a house, and some kids. If you missed out on this flow, it's probably because you're complete genetic shit.


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this nigga is a grumpy pants


demoralization copypasta engineered by mossad to achieve total chud surrender




brown hands typed this post


genetic dead end socially outcasted low status loser hands typed this post


I'm the exact opposite of all these things and that's why I'm naturally disgusted of the loser excuses like in the OP. Also you are brown.


yeah sure lol
you can lie in your little angry rants you type at the keyboard but you can never lie to yourself




>a nice job
>a house
hahaha no, with jews you lose


Kike demoralization. ZOG will import millions of shitskins to your country to lower the wages and raise the housing prices and then blame you if you refuse to turn into a mindless wagedrone working 12h per day to compete with said shitskins.

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