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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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because of some twitter pedos we dont associate with


So there is a zellig pedo on shitter who also happened to be an afterclitty 'cord troon and therefore 'teens tried to raid the zarty because it makes sense in their heads somehow.


Because they think that a few twitterpedofags represent the whole community.


>Xhey hate vs
Who cares.


TSMT. Soyteens are easily influenced but get easily distracted, I guess they will attempt an another failraid and then move on to something else.


Yeah and also I will add that the original 'zellig spammers were probably hated as well. So do not disappoint your fore-fathers.

Also putting weight into what other people think about you is an unhealthy mindset in general. If you think that you are justified in your tastes then no amount of yelling should change that. He who wishes to become successful or legendary or a saint or a genius must first trample under his feet all considerations of what other people will think of him.

Though this doesn't mean you shouldn't consider culture or legitimate authorities at all. It just means that in situations where you know you are right you shouldn't be moved.


I mean, there are things that zaryans could stop doing to be hated less, like needlessly bumping /qa/ threads with nothing to add, but now that we have seen how easy it is to incite infighting in the soy community using only one twitter and discord account I don't think it makes much sense to even try.


It's unironically a discord op
the whole pedo bait thread was set up by discord, which is being used for the anti zellig rhetoric.
It's divide and conquer, they're hopping to erode the website and estrange the userbase as much as possible, likely at least in part in an attempt to bolster their own ranks with dissidents/casualties
Truth is most of the website doesn't really care, it's a couple obsessed faggots (who willingly fell for the discord op because it suits them) + 'cord agitators pushing this


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Don't forget doe


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>Yeah and also I will add that the original 'zellig spammers were probably hated as well. So do not disappoint your fore-fathers.
<le reddit spacing
>Also putting weight into what other people think about you is an unhealthy mindset in general. If you think that you are justified in your tastes then no amount of yelling should change that. He who wishes to become successful or legendary or a saint or a genius must first trample under his feet all considerations of what other people will think of him.
<le reddit spacing
>Though this doesn't mean you shouldn't consider culture or legitimate authorities at all. It just means that in situations where you know you are right you shouldn't be moved.

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