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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1715108216539.png (839.67 KB, 856x1496, ClipboardImage.png)


Why is everything so terribly boring? Entertain me or I will fucking die.


File: 1715108410216.png (43.32 KB, 250x250, you.png)

>my personal jester


>Being ever bored
This must be some natural iq test. I literally can't remember the last time I was bored. I always have something to do. Some project, schoolwork, exercise, appointment, whatever, always has to be done. Reconsider your entire life if you ever feel bored because it's probably a sign that you need to step up your game and stop being and untermensch.


*being an untermensch.


>being able to focus on mundane, repetetive tasks is a sign of high IQ
I have bad news for you


Okay well if I was smarter then all my work would about quantum physics or whatever the fuck.
Or are you implying that boredom and adhd are prerequisites for genius?


Also when I have free time boredom is still an alien emotion. There is an infinite amount of discussion forums and content on the internet. And if for some reason I don't have my computer with me I can just start thinking about some topic. That is always interesting. Or I could just lay down and think about nothing.


this nigga's dopamine receptors are all dried up




lynch yourself




"life is boring" mfs when they discover killing and raping niggers

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