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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1697532793430-0.png (13.08 KB, 460x880, frootyshoejak.png)

File: 1697532793430-1.png (31.87 KB, 250x255, Petra_grinning.png)


ITT: We post things that are forbidden by rulecucks on the 'sharty
I'll start with shoejak and petra


File: 1697537495590.png (80.02 KB, 700x1100, 5dd.png)

>der gassy or something


File: 1697537713073.png (165.59 KB, 426x364, omputer.png)

yoooou guys do realize these are banned for GOOD REASON, right?


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They said the same thing about 'zellig though…




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This gentleman


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Mr. WABAG here


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Uhhh…you know there's a reason they're banned right?


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Kleki technically counts right?


I banned a variant I samefag forced on the booru


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You were the one who got catjak banned? nigger


No, I got "TFGjak" banned, even asked Tefal to delete the wiki page since I wanna memoryhole that shit


You should get yourself banned from life next, Joel Bidet



petra was the gem that saved the sharty

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