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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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Post here when the sharty is down or doing wacky shit while we wait it out


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ddostroon is back


Ronald you fuuuucker




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One spammer is throttling the whole website again


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>Hmmm, yes my soyteen, you should be very grateful for my purchase of your website you know. I am the only one keeping it alive and running.
>The server costs are all payed for by me. Very expensive too.
>What? One spammer killing the posting of anything on the whole website?
>Take your meds goy- i mean soyteen, the server is just being struck down with solar flares or some science like that
>(Oy, i'll just memoryhole this and keep the least expensive server packages that will make these goys stay on my datamining site, not like they'll do anything about it)


happens coincidentally during a shitflinging contest between 2 'cords that happened to have 'blox being labelled as 'cord as collateral damage.
is ronald defending 'blox or is it one of the 2 'cords trying to SHUT IT DOWN because the goyim know


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Brother im going to be serious with you, at least 4 people i saw in the leaks were some of the guys i had raided 'blox with on september 10th. I even voice chatted with the furrynigger without even knowing it. I dont think its slander. Its real. But its only about a 1 corder to 6 teens ratio thankfully. Still though, hate to see it. Nucorders are literally children


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don't worry
SW@B@Gtriots are in control. i've already exiled those who were proven 'cord, those who have 'cord accounts linked to their bios and those are high-ranking in groups that have a 'cord (especially the really small ones).


Trvke that single handedly made me an antifrootist insurgent


if something bad happens to froot does root take over?
also don't become "WAHH I HATE SHARTY ADMIN": the board because then we'd become jartkeks, and nobody wants that kind of niggery


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God's work. swabagwabag. In a perfect world we wouldn't have come to something so extreme.


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I spoke to that furnigger for a good 15 minutes… I dont even know if xhe is a troon or not, xhe sounded like a real woman when i heard xer voice, i dont even know


Doll will take control. He is the "main admin" of the site. Froot keeps the servers up.


File: 1698019525806.png (619.53 KB, 810x1080, 1689598717756.png)

>Web server is down Error code 521
>Visit cloudflare.com for more information.
>2023-10-23 00:03:42 UTC


dQllists in control, TRVST THE PLΛN


Haha, I remmember this bullshit lie back when Kuz got aids…


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Its ok, we know you try hard to support us every day! Whatever you go through, I'll be there for you~~~


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The sharty is so laggy its fuckning unusable


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Another day, another bot raid


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Always frogfags too
why doesnt the sharty just rape and kill these niggas already


>Unlike y'all, we don't have this issue
Of course because no one visits your dead website
Demoralization coalers bot it because they know how many people visit a site, so they want to leech off that and cause seethe


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they are the issue


i cant post because it keeps saying i look like a bot


File: 1698245627544.png (15.09 KB, 554x772, 1682078274625-0.png)

Then stop looking like a bot.


i get some weird sql error when i try to post, anyone else?


Eventually you will post on the sharty and have your IP as your name


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Sharty ded?



i think cecefag instated a new soypocalypse on us



I think that it could be connected with der cord. The zarty was raided a bit earlier


Honestly good, hopefully the next retard who gets the domain doesn't run it as badly as Froot did


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It might have been me
I posted a significant amount of the gassies gemeralds I had in my folder, in quick succession.
I'm sorry chuds…


File: 1699735720695.png (246.67 KB, 430x497, 1699401165261-0.png)

For every IAS gassy a NAS gassy must be posted, unfortunately the balance was broken and it's your fault…


File: 1699736406640.png (8.55 KB, 722x770, cob.png)

Sorry nigga I just transHATE Mymy Gassy


>incredible gassy
>final assesment


Nolp, they are working on a fix.


fix when doe
i need the 'arty to coordinate raids on childrens' lego games


CHECK THE JARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




>We are aware of the issues in accessing the site and we are working on a fix.
This is what they've said on their telegram


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>I just heard from froot. he said the sharty wont be back online until at least december. time to spend the rest of november on the jarty.


this looks fake doe


i hope its true doughbeithowever


damn nigga this be totally real frfr


It's real but probably a misiformationerald.


Jartyop most likely.
Lord knows it's not below.


'jarteens are known demoralizers, i'd be shocked if this is true


>froot killing ximself
After taking up the sharty he'd just dip like that? Nigga dude's got an ego and if anything he'd do something way more entertaining on his end like selling it off to zuckerberg for more cash and have someone pretend to still be him instead


>The server took too long to submit your post. Your post was probably still submitted. If it wasn't, we might be experiencing issues right now – please try your post again later. Error information:
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ddoscord woke up again


marge is the sharty dead again


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They might as well implement a captcha cus I can't even post.


Is there any way to get around this?


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Classic sharty hours


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>The server took too long to submit your post. Your post was probably still submitted. If it wasn't, we might be experiencing issues right now – please try your post again later. Error information:


I've had my IP revealed before… willingly and unwillingly


>Sharty goes down just hours later after Frootcord is exposed
What did stonetoss mean by this?


File: 1705709403691.png (452.1 KB, 653x367, ClipboardImage.png)

>Get banned for "ban evading" evendoe I wasn't banned in the first place.
>Tries to use Tuxler to post something
>Sharty kills the connection outright
>Tries to switch to mobile instead
>"You look like a bot"
I hate this fucking orange faggot running that place so much bros it's unreal.


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frootist excellence


File: 1705724431413.png (74.81 KB, 208x255, 1705521179846.png)

I got banned for no reason……. ban evasion


>>2488 also as a part of my appeal I gave froot a picture of doll getting raped by cobson


File: 1705725628079.png (77.12 KB, 775x849, 1682265020629-1.png)

>Doll becomes an admin again
>rogue jannies start to become a thing again
who would have thought…


literally unusable, shit has been dead for hours now


So much for le heckin new servers, first day after the transfer happens and the sharty gets frozen for half a day (as of now)


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>>2489 this is the image of cobson raping doll btw


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File: 1713266341039.gif (3.25 MB, 631x347, 1699027721380.gif)

never before seen levels of atrocious downtime, actually fucking over the site is dead more often than not


frooty gem


File: 1713278238545.png (130.86 KB, 328x422, het_is_voorbij.png)

da foodists are ddosing us again
we shouldntve poked the p spamming spadesons' nest, sisters…

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