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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1714715938419.webm (306.75 KB, 1080x1456, skibidimymymyyesyes.webm)



Skibidi dop dop dop yes yes


We are going to see a skibidi reenactment with a human head someday. You know that it will happen. Gen Alpha will be the most fucked up generation in history.


Skibidi toilet proves that indie internet animations are dominated by studios unless you hit big with shorts or kids, even then you already need to be a master animator like dafuqboom to break even.

Massa never had a chance in todays market, its over.


successful animators usually make more than 20 minutes worth of animation over a span of 5 years though


He had a chance by ponder to extreme autism patients and schizophrenics but he unfortunately grew to hate the growing non dutch audience and subsequently got cancer of out spite


out of spitecord woke up


ongezellig was a passion project rather than money making slop


even doe Massa abandoned it because he didn't get a phone call from Disney to serialize his cartoon

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