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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1714705744628.gif (413.82 KB, 67x70, 1712902801588.gif)


im aware the subject of porn isnt appreciated here but does anyone else think about how beneficial to society AI porn might be? its gunna take so much money away from human traffickers and abusive porn companies


wait i didn't think about this… but porn as a whole is made by da joos, which is bad or something


What about creating revenge porn? Also AI 'zellig images have been giving good results from some people (not talkin bout porn) I hope dumbasses like me can be spoonfed on how to use it easily soon


I don't think replacing real porn with machine made porn is a "benefit to society", it's slightly not worse. Besides, if it ever comes to threaten the porn industry, they'll do everything to destroy AI porn. It is an established business with loads of capital in it, compared to a funky machine that replicates images.


File: 1714715768421.jpg (93.97 KB, 695x814, Jeffrey-Epstein.jpg)

It will reduce the value of porn as a compromising material to zero, which can have interesting geopolitical consequences.

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