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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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Hello People,

my name is Nicholas and I am from Germany. I would like to ask you why do you like this cartoon so much?
And also all the little inside jokes you have, why and how? It took me a decent amount of time to navigate this site to type this to you, I mean no disrespect with this message, I'm curious and would like to hear what you have to say.

Thank you for reading and have a nice weekend,


kindnaiveNewGODs.. I knvvl..
Anyways hej Nicholas! Welcome to the site. Im sure by now you have watched Ongezellig since you are here.
We, at soyzellig.party, have a long and complicated history regarding this show.
We all have our different opinions on why we enjoy it, I personally find Mymy a very comedic and somewhat relatable character in the sense of national identity and pride, however you will always find different answers to such a question.
God bless you, have a wonderful weekend too!


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>newGod comes in
>immediately gets accused of being a fed
De Facto Zarty rule


Most of our “inside jokes” are derived from soyjak.party, most people on this website are from soyjak.party and still actively post there.


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Nicholas, rate this gem


Hello again,

I would like to thank you all for the warm welcome, I really appreciate the context some of you have given.
Number 4238, I have already had a suspicion that part of this website's success is because of mymy schloppenburg, because she is a far right.

Number 4241, soyjak party I have watched a youtube video on that once, this is a new millennium of reaction faces and the people behind it some are fine some are racist.

Number 4242, this music is very nice, the classic chorus singing along with the modern techno music creates something unheard of.

In conclusion I wish all of you a good life and success, never be a coal.

Best Regards,


I like Ongezellig because I relate to some aspects of Maya, and in the past, I was very much alike to her. I try to improve my life by doing what I think Maya should do.

I use this site because the other place where I could discuss the show is full of porn. The constant 1488 bothers me, but it comes with an appreciatable board culture that lends this site an air of community.


I like Ongezellig because it has Mymy and she hates niggers just like me


Holy new anti-zellig slang just dropped




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Hiya nicolas,
I found 'zellig after watching an edit of it a while back. Thought it was some fag cartoon, but then decided to give it a try. It turned out to be really charming and felt like it had major potential. I started doing some research and found this site, now i frequent it because I feel like as retarded as we all are its like one big cosy family.

If you're here to stay welcome to the fam nicolas


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personally i like the cartoon because i relate to maya a lot
you should really avoid posting your real name or other information that can identify you on websites like this one in the future though. here on soyzellig it's unlikely that you'll find mean spirited faggots but elsewhere like 4chan and sharty you most certainly will.
how did you find out about this website by the way?


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mymy isnt racist though, it's a chudcel projection, this is shown clearly in the scene where she's shocked when learning about what belgians did during the colonial era
she's probably a coalburner just like the south african hoe
maya is canonically the only sister that is white supremacist and BWC only due to all the time she spends at the computer browsing imageboards


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>The constant 1488 bot- ACKK!!


i hope you kill yourself


>no rebuttal
i accept your concession, mymy/coco pleb


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>>no rebuttal
>i accept your conc- ahh~.. its leaking.. my clitty..


I didn't read your wordswordswords shitsalad slop, that picture alone should get you jahad by the balls, even if what you wrote is agreeable.


Can't read basic English award


retards think racism = complete lack of sympathy
truth is, racists that aren't chronically online generally retain sympathy for other races, especially those who are where they belong (now maya IS chronically online so it's anyone's guess)


my bad, I thought you were talking about maya since that's what you posted, mymy is totally racist you're just being an idiot


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Hello Dear People,

this is nicholas again, I have found a picture I like on the interweb and I have edited it to have clothes on, are you proud of me?

Best of regards, feel free to be my friend.


gem, maybe we should start putting clothes over pics made by gooners like 4cuck did with the diginify ai


>>4272 NVRGVVN, just like the anti-goon minions killing the soychan gooners.


holy fvck this namefag is keyed as hell




that would be the gemmiest thing ever


I can read, you just need to kill yourself for that image fattroon


Hi Number 4252,

It's nice to hear your side of the story, having a community to call home can be very charming.

Also thank you for telling me about the real information thing, I thought it was okay because there wasn't too much, I wanted to seem as friendly as possible.

This website I have found because I was researching if ongezellig was getting a new animation, and then I have found this.

When I first was on the site I saw a post of a person who had printed out mymy shroenburg and held the picture aside a beautiful european city, this inspired me to go ahead and print out a few pictures of the mymy at work on monday. (they have a printer with extrordinary quality at where I work.)

Have a wonderful Sunday tomorrow,


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Btw in the future stop using a name on this site or posting in an identifable manner unless it is absolutely 100% necessary.
Using names on imageboards corrupts the culture and is generally degenerate. This is proven by history.


take it easy, blud's got no idea where he is, he's probably 80 years old or some shit


no arrow


Doesn't change the fact that imageboard culture needs to be maintained.


I mean no offence I come in peace, where are my manners. It won't happen again boss.


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im the guy that had the picture!
ur posts really make me smile, glad to see you here


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❤️ Hoi, hoe gaat het met je,

You crack me up and make me smile, keep up whatever you are doing.
You alongside the majority of the website's community is friendly, accepting and generally kind hearted.
I enjoy looking at the posts very much, I think they are funny. (some aren't that great but oh well)

Sunday Night I learned more lingo and left a few comments, after that I watched the english dub of the 'zellig and it brought back memories of my school years.
I think we can all relate to maya, a nice user has said that already, I was like her too before coco-maxxing. If you think you are a failure, think again. See how far you have come in life because often you are your own worst critic.

It's completely normal for people to feel sad at times, it would be weird if you didn't. Just like the ying and yang, without bad there isn't a good. And if you need help, don't be afraid to ask for some, in today's society it has fortunately been normalized.

Nikita Tarkov is a mean, mean man. What has he even gained from this, he lost so much reputation, betrayed the ones who supported him for so very long, to cave in at the end and release his little pve mode for the EOD users… I used to think he was cool.

'Zellig might be over for now, but the west has not fallen. It is a beautiful little short film, a masterpiece even. In the two dozen minutes of animation it has formed a very passionate community.
The characters are relatable and are well written, we cannot let these gems go to waste.
No matter what, the most important thing is that mr.massa is well and healthy, if he doesn't feel like working on it right now that's fine, never rush an artist.

To get out and among people I had the idea of creating little 14cm by 12cm informational cards and handing them out to people on the street. The word of ongezellig must be spread. The cartoon has inspired so many, including me, I now have newly fueled motivation to train hard so one day I can become an artGOD.

Hope you're all having a lovely start of the week, I'd be happy to hear you talk about your thoughts and passions in life, never lose your smile.

Best regards


All the lingo and history can be found on soyjak.wiki and this site's own wiki. Just so you know.


bro real shit stinky pointy nosed jew nikita tells people to buy his 250€ retarded ass edition and people who don't aren't "true believers" fuck off with that cult shit

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