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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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>GW added female custodes, clearly contradicting previous lore
Why do they do this?


marge what is GW?


Games workshop. The owners of the wh40k lore and tabletop game.


Marge? I aint a big W40k nerd


warhammersissies BTFOed


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The Custodes are the Emperor's personal legion and bodyguards, numbering 10000. They are near godlike in their combat prowess, speed, intelligence, loyalty to the emperor, IQ, strength and reaction time. Though they are primarily bodyguards and warriors they are also philosophers, artists, historians, experts in politics, scholars and scientists.
<Shit nobody cares about space
They are made by recruiting male babies from the noble houses of Terra(Earth). At infancy they are subjected to the most sophisticated genetic modification known in the galaxy. They are also brainwashed, castrated and even modified at metaphysical levels. Most applicants die or go insane during this process. But some survive.
<Shit nobody cares about space
GW has recently retconned decades old lore regarding the requirements for creating a custodian. Previously it was only the sons (male offspring) of the Terran aristocracy that could apply. But now females of the same background could apply too.


>emperor's "finest" literally get castrated


Who cares? This is so that they have no distractions from their service. Space marines are castrated as well. And all the necessary hormones are provided artificially.


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safely pick a year and disregard anything and everything gws has said and will say after that
saying it like that makes it sound even more like they're trannies, please stop…


>taken away from parents as teenagers
>groomed into group ideology
>forced to take hormones
>'Implanted' with 'geneseed'
>insanely autistic and quick to anger
Umm astartes are transHUMAN not transGENDER you stupid heretic.
>Custodes literally wear skirts LMAO

Also no way that is a real tweet.


anyone wanna play on tabletop sim :3


>getting castrated instead of controlling your urges
are custodessisies for real?



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