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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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I cant take this shit anymore man






what cant u take and why


Sharty dying, Soot AFK, Kuz dying from AIDS, Doll getting blowjobs on the Shblog, Froot and R00T fuck up the site with captchas and wordfilters, constant failraids and faildoxes. I can't take it anymore, it's so unbelievably, undeniably, unequivocally OVER


dont forget the page count reduction for /qa/ that lasted right up until the zellig AI thread got slid


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It was on purpose… Root should know better than to mess with 'liggers…


the AI thread… is no more? If true, then its truely cocover. I remember this was one of the only good things that came from Doll era sharty.


>good things to come from Doll era even doe a rogue mod kept deleting them


what AI thread?




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Not to alarm you all or anything…
But we're back…




sharty /qa/, cluelessDEITY


root win




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