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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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FUCK /a/ jannies


Do people really use /a/ unironically? I thought that it was more of a containment board for hentai.


On the 'cuck? Yeah, and the Dragon Ball fanbase there is fun but possibly even more autistic than the 'sharty.
When the trailer for the newest Dragon Ball series, which seems inspired by the original pre-Z DB, dropped to a massive meltdown by the largely Z/Super-only fanbase there, Lee (or, more likely, someone pretending to be Lee) made it his next object of ire after MLP and apparently Bluey (I missed that arc I guess) due to it seemingly skewing younger.
However, this "Lee" did not catch any of the cheese I posted in the original thread or even pick up on the baiter lingo. I posted this to check his Turtelli detection. "Lee" didn't notice.


File: 1697398213673.gif (1.15 MB, 362x400, lee bouncing head.gif)

missed cheese


File: 1697482392745.jpg (378.26 KB, 2048x1366, 1626972473295.jpg)

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