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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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Earlier I was trying to pin down the traits that I find attractive in females and noticed after I was done that almost the attributes I wrote down could also be used to describe myself.
Is this normal or is it autogynephilia?




It’s very normal, the same thing goes for me.


I don't know.


it means that you are an egg


If they're behavioral and personality traits then it's perfectly normal that you desire a partner who has a similar mindset as you.
If they're physical traits then you're a tranny faggot.


>liking women makes you a faggot


>wanting a big ass and boobs on yourself, wearing makeup, other girly physical traits doesn't make you a faggot


what are you babbling on about dude kek literally never said either of those things



>If they're physical traits then you're a tranny faggot.


you're just reaffirming something previously said by someone else, I assume you yourself, without any elaboration.
I don't know where you got that I wanted tits or ass on myself, and big ones at that.

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