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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1713368120302.png (134.19 KB, 430x580, 18597 - SoyBooru.png)


i love kuzzy kuz


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Kuz won


You pronounce it сойджак and not сойак? Why?


The letter "j" makes the "дж" sound because its foreign to russian. We never used the letter "j" for the "й" sound because we already used the letter "y", unlike other slavic languages.


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Looking back on this, the larp was so gemmy


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The image Dollists don't want you to see…… but really though the 180 that he took was crazy


Marge what happened to Dolly Doo


After Froot became owner he dropped serious pedo accusations on kuzzy left and right, kuz did a response and then Doll left the 'arty. I just think it's crazy that he'd say that since it makes him look bad as well for being extremely close friends with someone who (allegedly) posted 'p


there's also thekuz.win which addressed the claims (now only available on the wiki) and you get banned for even mentioning thekuz.win even doe it's just a text wall


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That's what I meant by "kuz did a response" I just wanted to make my post shorter


Just wanted to spread the link since it's banned on shart in the mart or whatever


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Post kuzjaks/yurijaks and kuz era memories ITT


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Reminder to use Photon theme on the sharty and Mymy theme on the zarty for the best kuz experience


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KUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUZ come back and save us from the Discord that couped the sharty


looking forward to the kuz event on july 4th, also wondering if he will buy this place …


im not sure whether he's just gonna attentionwhore for lulz or if it'll be something substantial

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