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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
(For file deletion.)

File: 1713352764425-0.jpg (17.43 KB, 234x216, classic soy 59.jpg)

File: 1713352764425-1.png (162.64 KB, 723x666, 1607114834408.png)


>posting on one splinter exclusively
<making the same thread on every splinter at the same time




File: 1713353433268-0.png (188.62 KB, 897x586, jakparty.png)

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File: 1713353433268-3.png (252.25 KB, 1015x634, swedishwin.png)

where all have you hit?
<missed frogclitty and neutralplier.party btw


meta af


Imagine having a splinter aggregator, showing threads from the whole soysphere in one place.


soysphere outside of the sharty and zarty is kinda ass albeit


Of all the splinters, only here the post received any responses. And yes, most are shit. Swedishwin could be good, but it's dead.


swedishwin is a rulecucked hellhole that became pointless after a week

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